Forschungszentrum Jülich
Institute of Complex Systems (ICS)
Zelluläre Biophysik (ICS-4) (aufgelöst)
52425 Jülich
52425 Jülich
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Molekulare Charakterisierung des photorezeptor-spezifischen ABC-Transporters (ABCR Protein) und dessen Rolle beim Stargardt-Syndrom
Bungert, Stefanie
Research Units
Completed projects
Structural studies on CNG channels
Kaupp, Ulrich Benjamin
Strukturuntersuchungen an bakteriellen Glutamattransportern
Hidalgo, Patricia
Three-dimensional structure and interactions of the calcium channel ß-subunits
Hidalgo, Patricia
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Funktionelle Charakterisierung von putativen Duftstoffrestrezeptoren aus männlichen Keimzellen
Weyand, Ingo
Trigeminale Modulation der olfaktorischen Signalverarbeitung
Frings, Stephan
Müller, Frank
Research Grants
Completed projects
Cellular mechanisms of the swimming behaviour of sperms
Kaupp, Ulrich Benjamin
Model systems of photoreceptor degeneration: Anatomical and physiological characterization and establishment of stimulation paradigms
Johnen, Sandra
Müller, Frank
Weis, Joachim
Phytochrome cytoplasmic signalling in lower plants
Hughes, Ph.D., Jonathan
The function of cAMP and Ca2+ in motility of human sperm
Kaupp, Ulrich Benjamin
The ß-subunit of voltage-gated calcium channels as channel modulator and endocytosis activator
Hidalgo, Patricia
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2610: Innovative Retinal interfaces for optimized Artificial Vision - InnoRetVision
Walter, Peter