Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Biologie
Arbeitsgruppe Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen
Universitätsstraße 25
33615 Bielefeld
This institution in GERiT
33615 Bielefeld
Research Grants
Current projects
Regulation of synthesis and function of 12-oxophytodienoic acid in plant cell signaling
Dietz, Karl-Josef
Gröger, Harald
The dynamic function of the cytosolic redox regulatory network and the sensory role of the type II peroxiredoxins B/C/D.
Dietz, Karl-Josef
Finkemeier, Iris
Completed projects
2-Cys Prx and PrxIIE as redox sensors, signal integrators and transmitters
Dietz, Karl-Josef
Mock, Hans-Peter
Schöttler, Mark Aurel
Carbon nanomembranes as scaffold for studying nanoscale heterogeneity and vectorial functionality of protein assemblies
Beyer, André
Dietz, Karl-Josef
Charakterisierung der molekulargenetischen Grundlagen der Salzstressantwort höherer Pflanzen mit cDNA-Array-Analysen
Golldack-Brockhausen, Dortje
Combinatorial regulation of abiotic stress responses: Interaktion and competition of bZIP transcription factors
Golldack-Brockhausen, Dortje
Determinants for regulation of precursor protein fate
Schleiff, Enrico
Die Funktion pflanzlicher Peroxiredoxine in der antioxidativen Abwehr und im redox-signaling von Plastiden und Mitochondrien
Dietz, Karl-Josef
Research Units
Completed projects
Central organisation of the special research group 387 "Redox control as central regulatory mechanism in phosynthetic organisms"
Dietz, Karl-Josef
Cross-talk between redox, metabolic and hormonal retrograde chloroplast signals in the expressional regulation of nuclear encoded plastid proteins
Dietz, Karl-Josef
FOR 387: Redox Signals as Key Regulators in Photosynthesis
Dietz, Karl-Josef
Redox modulation of nuclear gene expression in plants
Dietz, Karl-Josef
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Rapid ribonucleoprotein-dependent recruitment of mRNA to ribosomes in the high light acclimation of Arabidopsis thaliana
Dietz, Karl-Josef
The integration of the cyclophilin 20-3 and 2-cysteine peroxiredoxin thiol switches in the redox regulatory network of the chloroplast
Dietz, Karl-Josef
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Assembly, functional dynamic and regulation of the multi-heteromeric protein complex vacuolar H+-ATPase
(Project Heads
Dietz, Karl-Josef
Sauer, Markus
Seidel, Thorsten
Dynamische Echtzeitbeobachtung von Protein-Einzelmolekülen mittels Röntgenstrahlung
(Project Heads
Dietz, Karl-Josef
Heinzmann, Ulrich
Kandlbinder, Andrea
Kleineberg, Ulf
Entwicklungsabhängige Dynamik extrazellulärer Prozessierungsenzyme im Gerstenblatt
(Project Head
Dietz, Karl-Josef
Localized Stimulation of Cell Signals with Single Magnetic Nanoparticles
(Project Heads
Dietz, Karl-Josef
Herth, Simone
Reiss, Günter
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Analysis of ER-Export of vacuolar transporter using the example of the V-ATPase in Arabidopsis thaliana
Seidel, Thorsten
Etablishing the role of glutaredoxins in mitochondrial redox homeostasis and associated plant cell function
Ströher, Elke