Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Evolutionsbiologie
Großhaderner Straße 2
82152 Planegg
This institution in GERiT
82152 Planegg
Research Grants
Current projects
Evolutionary Epigenetics - Epigenetic Variation in Natural Populations and its Relevance to Ecology and Evolution
Wolf, Jochen B. W.
Genetic basis of genome exclusion and clonal inheritance in hybridogenetic water frogs
Plötner, Jörg
Torres-Oliva, Montserrat
Wolf, Jochen B. W.
Identification of loci underlying local adaptation in European Drosophila populations
Fricke, Claudia
Grath, Sonja
Posnien, Nico
The evolution of sperm storage organs in Diptera: mating responsiveness, molecular diversity and gene regulation
Fricke, Claudia
Grath, Sonja
Understanding the role of Pleistocene climatic oscillations for evolution. A palaeogenomic case study of the European crow hybrid zone
Wolf, Jochen B. W.
Completed projects
Computational and mathematical approaches for statistical sequence alignment and phylogenetic inference on emerging parallel architectures
Metzler, Dirk
Stamatakis, Alexandros
Detecting selective sweeps along the Drosophila melanogaster X chromosome
Stephan, Wolfgang
Elucidating the relationship between heterozygosity and fitness in a natural vertebrate population
Hoffman, Joseph
Evolutionary and functional genomics of Drosophila gene expression
Parsch, John
Genomics of incipient speciation in a highly vagile marine mammal: genome-wide analysis of demographic history, population structure and local adaptation in the endangered Galápagos sea lion
Hoffman, Joseph
Host-parasite Genomics. Genetic Basis and Evolutionary Implication of Cuckoo Egg Mimicry
Wolf, Jochen B. W.
Micro- and macrogeographic genetic differentiation in a highly mobile species, the Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus californianus wollebaek)
Wolf, Jochen B. W.
Molekulare Evolution von Reproduktionsgenen bei Drosophila
Parsch, John
Population genomics and environmental adaptation in Drosophila ananassae
Grath, Sonja
The evolution of recombination rates
Nieuwenhuis, Bart
Research Units
Current projects
The effects of interspecific biodiversity on intraspecific genetic diversity: a community genomics approach
Schielzeth, Holger
Wolf, Jochen B. W.
Completed projects
Populationsgenetische Methoden zum Nachweis evolutionärer Anpassung in Populationen mit komplexer demographischer Struktur
Metzler, Dirk
Rose, Laura
The evolution of resistance and virulence in structured populations
Foitzik, Susanne
Metzler, Dirk
Transcriptional basis of cold adaptation in Drosophila melanogaster
Hutter, Stephan
WBP Position
Current projects
Determinants of 5mC chromatin modifications in natural populations of the barn swallow
Mueller, Sarah
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Gene and genome duplication and phenotypic novelties – Insights from spiders and insects
Pechmann, Matthias
Posnien, Nico
Prpic-Schäper, Nikola-Michael
Turetzek, Natascha
The genomic basis of extreme sexual dimorphism in fireflies.
Catalan, Ph.D., Ana
Höhna, Sebastian
Completed projects
Evidence for Balancing Selection at Immunity Genes in Drosophila
Hutter, Stephan
Evolution of altruistic defense traits in structured populations
Hutzenthaler, Martin
Metzler, Dirk
New approaches for species delimitation from genome data with examples to two widespread fireflies (Lamprohiza splendidula and Photinus pyralis)
Catalan, Ph.D., Ana
Höhna, Sebastian
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Genome-wide signatures of selection and convergent evolution in corvids
Kutschera, Verena Esther
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Population genetics of hematopoietic neoplasms
(Project Head
Metzler, Dirk
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects