Universiteit Utrecht
Departement Fysische Geografie
P.O. Box 80.115
3508 TC Utrecht
3508 TC Utrecht
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Quantitative reconstructions of past land cover change - A basis for evaluating consequences of Global change for vegetation
Giesecke, Thomas
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Resilience and tipping points of terrestrial vegetation: analysing long term system change across continents
Giesecke, Thomas
Research Grants
Current projects
Landslide mobility with erosion: Proof-of-concept and application - Part II: Experimental Verification
Baselt, Ivo
Landslide mobility with erosion: Proof-of-concept and application - Part I: Modelling, Simulation & Validation
Pudasaini, Ph.D., Shiva P.
Completed projects
Alternative stable states between subtropical forest and grassland: A palaeoecological case study in southern Brazil
Giesecke, Thomas
A novel and unified solution to multi-phase mass flows
Pudasaini, Ph.D., Shiva P.
Characterizing Rockwall Weathering from Microclimate, Rock Moisture and Rockfall Acitvity – ClimRock
Dräbing, Daniel
Sass, Oliver
Predicting the effects of climate change on alpine rock slopes: Evaluation of paraglacial and periglacial drivers of rockfall in the European Alps
Dräbing, Daniel
Quantifying postglacial climate and vegetation dynamics of the foreststeppe ecotone in northern Patagonia, Argentina
Fontana, Sonia
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Biogeomorphic feedbacks and their role for sediment erosion and connectivity along a climatic gradient in Chile
Eichel, Jana
Hoffmann, Thomas
Schmidtlein, Sebastian
Schrott, Lothar