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Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fakultät für Physik
Lehrstuhl für Experimentalphysik - Quantenoptik
Schellingstraße 4
80799 München
This institution in GERiT
80799 München
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Correlations in a Tonks-Girardeau Gas and Hanbury Brown-Twiss Noise Correlation Interferometry
Bloch, Immanuel
Local and single atom resolved study of non-linear excitation dynamics and dissipation in off-resonantly driven Rydberg gases
Bloch, Immanuel
Quantum gases with tunable interactions in optical lattices and photoassociation of molecules in optical lattices
Bloch, Immanuel
Realizing Rydberg induced long-range interactions in itinerant lattice systems
Bloch, Immanuel
Research Units
Current projects
E1 Tailoring dissipation using the ultra-narrow clock line of Yb
Aidelsburger, Monika
Exploring non-ergodicity in lattice gauge theories with fermionic Yb
Aidelsburger, Monika
FOR 5522: Quantum thermalization, localization, and constrained dynamics with interacting ultracold atoms
Heidrich-Meisner, Fabian
FOR 5688: Driven-dissipative many-body systems of ultracold atoms
Eckardt, André
Non-ergodic dynamics in tunable Bose-Hubbard models
Aidelsburger, Monika
Bloch, Immanuel
Quantum-gas microscopy of large-scale bosonic quantum gases
Bloch, Immanuel
Zeiher, Johannes
Completed projects
Central Project "Networking and Coordination"
Bloch, Immanuel
Few- to many-body physics with ground state bosonic NaK polar molecules
Bloch, Immanuel
Luo, Xin-Yu
FOR 801: Strong Correlations in Multiflavour Ultracold Quantum Gases
Bloch, Immanuel
FOR 2247: From few to many-body physics with dipolar quantum gases
Ospelkaus, Silke
FOR 2414: Artificial Gauge Fields and Interacting Topological Phases in Ultracold Atoms
Hofstetter, Walter
Interaction, Disorder and Dynamical Effects in Strongly Correlated Bosonic and Fermionic Ultracold Quantum Gases
Bloch, Immanuel
Multiparticle Entanglement with Neutral Atoms in Optical Lattices
Bloch, Immanuel
Topological Effects in Low-dimensional Quantum Gases
Aidelsburger, Monika
Bloch, Immanuel
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Ein Quanten-Rasterelektronenmikroskop zur Detektion und kohärenten Manipulation einzelner Atome
Ott, Herwig
DIP Programme
Completed projects
Quantum phases of ultra cold atoms in optical lattices
Davidson, Nir
Hofstetter, Walter
Quantum simulators: from photonic to atomic
Bloch, Immanuel
Segev, Mordechai
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Laser system for Quantum Gas Microscopy of dynamical gauge fields with Yb atoms
Laser System for Quantum Gas Microscopy of Topological Many-Body States with Cs Atoms
Completed projects
Räumlich adressierbare Quantengase
(Project Heads
Bloch, Immanuel
Kuhr, Stefan
Ultrakalte Fermi-Mischungen in optischen Gittern
(Project Head
Bloch, Immanuel
Research Grants
Current projects
Next Generation Quantum Simulators: From DYNAMIcal Gauge Fields to Lattice Gauge ThEory
Aidelsburger, Monika
Grusdt, Fabian
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Tensor Networks in Simulation of Quantum matter
Bañuls, Mari Carmen
Jansen, Karl
Completed projects
DQS - Quantum Simulation using cold atoms in optical lattices
Bloch, Immanuel
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2111: Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST)
Bloch, Immanuel
Cirac, Juan Ignacio
Gross, Rudolf
Kraus, Barbara
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 4: Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM)
Bein, Thomas
Feldmann, Jochen
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