Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Department Psychologie
Lehrstuhl für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Leopoldstraße 13
80802 München
This institution in GERiT
80802 München
Research Grants
Current projects
Perfectionism as a transdiagnostic process: Examining perfectionism as a risk factor for multiple types of psychopathology
Cludius, Barbara
Completed projects
Cognitive Bias Modification in tobacco dependence using an Approach-Avoidance Task (CBM-AAT): A randomized controlled double blind intervention study
Wittekind, Charlotte
Computational modeling of pessimistic future views in individuals with depressive symptoms: dynamics in affective forecasts
Takano, Ph.D., Keisuke
Does psychotherapy change trauma memory? Selective effects of Exposure, EMDR, and Imagery Rescripting on voluntary and involuntary aspects of aversive emotional memory
Ehring, Ph.D., Thomas
Sind Patienten mit affektiven Störungen blind für den Zustand des Gegenübers? Untersuchungen zur 'Theory of Mind' bei Depressionen und Bipolaren Störungen
Wolkenstein, Larissa
State and trait attentional biases and the role of attentional control in obsessive-compulsive disorder: An eye-tracking study using idiosyncratic material
Cludius, Barbara