Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Otto-Schott-Institut für Materialforschung
Professur für Bioaktive Gläser
Fraunhoferstraße 6
07743 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07743 Jena
Workshops for Early Career Investigators
Completed projects
Inorganic glasses and silicate melts – from theory to application
Brauer, Delia
Research Grants
Current projects
Functionalisation of periodic cellular bioactive glass scaffolds via the tailored design of compositional gradients
Brauer, Delia
Fey, Tobias
Completed projects
Bone cements with tailored solubility from intermediate oxide-containing glasses and branched polycarboxylates
Brauer, Delia
Schacher, Felix H.
Topo-chemical characterisation of dissolution processes of phosphate glasses
Brauer, Delia
Wondraczek, Lothar
Visualising the evolution of crystallisation and mineralisation of bioactive glasses
Boccaccini, Aldo
Brauer, Delia
de Pablos Martin, Ph.D., Araceli
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Stabilising elements in high oxygen coordination numbers: topo-structural implication on glass strength
Brauer, Delia
de Ligny, Dominique
van Wüllen, Leo
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2723: Materials-Microbes-Microenvironments (M-M-M): Antimicrobial biomaterials with tailored structures and properties
Jandt, Klaus D.