Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Volkswirtschaftliche Fakultät
Seminar für Komparative Wirtschaftsforschung
Akademiestraße 1
80799 München
This institution in GERiT
80799 München
Research Grants
Completed projects
Corporate finance and control in transition economies: the role of competition in the banking sector and on product markets
Schnitzer, Monika
Deutsche Auslandsinvestitionen in Osteuropa: Theorie und Evidenz
Schnitzer, Monika
Multinationale Banken und die Entwicklung des Finanzsektors in Osteuropa
Schnitzer, Monika
Current projects
Firms, technological change and institutions for innovation
(Project Heads
Gumpert, Anna
Harhoff, Dietmar
Schnitzer, Monika
Steinwender, Ph.D., Claudia
Completed projects
Globalization, Firm Organization and Endogenous Market Structure
(Project Heads
Eckel, Carsten
Schnitzer, Monika
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Interactions between bank-specific risk and macroeconomic performance
Bremus, Franziska Maria
Noth, Felix
Market Structure in Banking and Macroeconomic Stability
Schnitzer, Monika
Tonzer, Lena
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 801: Markets, Institutions and the Scope of Government
Rady, Sven
GRK 1928: Microeconomic Determinants of Labour Productivity
Eckel, Carsten