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IPN - Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der
Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik
Abteilung Erziehungswissenschaft und Pädagogische Psychologie
Olshausenstraße 62
24118 Kiel
This institution in GERiT
24118 Kiel
Research Grants
Current projects
Advancing and Evaluating the Applicability of Latent Response Models for Identifying Careless and Insufficient Effort Responding in Survey Data
Nagy, Gabriel
Critical Information Processing: Promoting 21st Century Thinking Skills in Children
Richter, Tobias
Tiffin-Richards, Simon
Completed projects
Bilingual education and the development of academic achievement, cognitive abilities, and motivation in secondary school: a secondary analysis of the LAU and KESS (BLUE-SKM) data
Möller, Jens
Children’s eye movements during first and second language reading (Second)
Tiffin-Richards, Simon
Conditions for Successful Tutoring: A Reanalysis of LAU and KESS Data
Guill, Karin
Development and impact of teachers’ professional competence – a longitudinal study over 10 years based on the COACTIV-R-project
Klusmann, Uta
Kunter, Mareike
Richter, Ph.D., Dirk
Voss, Thamar
Entwicklung und Überprüfung von Kompetenzmodellen zur integrativen Verarbeitung von Texten und Bildern
Baumert, Jürgen
Schnotz, Wolfgang
Sommerakademie zur Kompetenzdiagnostik
Baumert, Jürgen
Teachers and the Covid 19 pandemic – Identifying individual and school factors that predict successful professional adaptation (TeaCop)
Klusmann, Uta
Kunter, Mareike
Voss, Thamar
Training in concept mapping: Relevance for cognitive load, cognitive processes, and learning outcome
Großschedl, Jörg
Tröbst, Steffen
Workshop for early career investigators: Focus on domain specific educational research in kindergarten, school and university education
Steffensky, Mirjam
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Effects of test coaching on students´ mathematics and reading performance in PISA 2003
Baumert, Jürgen
Professionswissen von Lehrkräften, kognitiv aktivierender Mathematikunterricht und die Entwicklung von mathematischer Kompetenz
Baumert, Jürgen
Professionswissen von Lehrkräften, kognitiv aktivierender Mathematikunterricht und die Entwicklung von mathematischer Kompetenz
Blum, Werner
Teachers` professional knowledge, cognitive activation in the classroom, and the development of mathematical competencies
Neubrand, Michael
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