University College London
Department of Economics
30 Gordon Street
London WC1H 0AX
London WC1H 0AX
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Exploiting naiveté: On the interaction of boundedly rational agents with sophisticated ones
Gamp, Tobias
Heterogeneous Effects of Immigration on the Career Development of Workers
Otten, Sebastian
Monetary and fiscal policy interaction
Kriwoluzky, Alexander
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Der Mindestlohn in Deutschland: Wirkung auf Beschäftigung, Lohn und Reallokation
vom Berge, Philipp
Local Labor Market Effects of Plant Openings, New Colleges and Local Public Spending
Gathmann, Ph.D., Christina
Schönberg, Ph.D., Uta
Spillover Effects of Mass Layoffs
Gathmann, Ph.D., Christina
Schönberg, Ph.D., Uta
Tarifgebundenheit, Lohnbildung, Ausbildungsanreize und Organisatorischer Wandel
Fitzenberger, Ph.D., Bernd
The Dynamic Impact of Immigration on Wages, Employment, Technology and Innovation
Dustmann, Ph.D., Christian
Research Grants
Current projects
Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey - Germany (CILS4EU-DE)
Kalter, Frank
Kogan, Ph.D., Irena
Minimum wages, taxes and transfers, and low-income workers
Peichl, Andreas
Completed projects
Aggregation von dynamischen mikroökonomischen Verhaltensrelationen, insbesondere Konsumfunktionen
Hildenbrand, Werner
Labour market policy and poverty in the US - An analysis based on Fokker-Planck equations
Wälde, Klaus
Technologischer und Organisatorischer Wandel, Tarifgebundenheit und internationaler Handel
Schönberg, Ph.D., Uta
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Anomaly Detection in a Multi-System Setting: Theoretical and Computational Objectives
Carpentier, Alexandra