Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Arbeitsbereich Meteorologie der Polargebiete
Klußmannstraße 3d
27570 Bremerhaven
This institution in GERiT
27570 Bremerhaven
Research Grants
Completed projects
Mesoskalige Variabilität der atmosphärischen Strömung und Wolkenbildung in polaren Kaltluftausbrüchen
Wacker, Ulrike
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
ALICE - Airborne tool for methane isotopic composition and polar meteorological experiments
Lampert, Astrid
Modelling and parameterization of lead generated turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer over Antarctic sea ice
Gryschka, Micha
Lüpkes, Christof
Stammer, Detlef
Representation of the convective atmospheric boundary layer during cold-air outbreaks in regional models: a joined study based on observations, Large Eddy Simulation and mesoscale modelling
Lüpkes, Christof
Raasch, Siegfried
The physics of turbulence over Antarctic leads and polynyas and its parameterization: a joint study using observations, LES, and a micro-/mesoscale model
Lüpkes, Christof
Raasch, Siegfried
Current projects
Impact of low-level clouds and surface conditions on Arctic atmospheric boundary layer turbulence and radiation
(Project Heads
Handorf, Dörthe
Herber, Andreas
Lüpkes, Christof
Schäfer, Michael
Wendisch, Manfred