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Universität Hamburg
Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften
Bereich Algebra und Zahlentheorie
Bundesstraße 55
20146 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20146 Hamburg
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
New examples for logarithmic ring spectra
Richter, Birgit
Ramified extensions of commutative ring spectra
Richter, Birgit
Representation and category theoretic aspects of logarithmic conformal field theories
Schweigert, Christoph
Representation theoretic tools for equivariant and orbifold conformal field theories
Schweigert, Christoph
Superkonforme Quantenfeldtheorien und topologische Feldtheorie mit Spinstruktur
Schweigert, Christoph
Research Grants
Current projects
Recursive methods in compact quantum group theory
Mang, Alexander
Completed projects
Tensor networks and representation theory
Schweigert, Christoph
Zusatzstrukturen auf En-Kohomologie
Richter, Birgit
Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Vertex Algebras Associated with 2- and 4-dimensional Conformal Field Theories
Möller, Sven
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Derived TFT and supersymmetric field theory
(Project Heads
Möller, Sven
Runkel, Ingo
Schweigert, Christoph
Teschner, Jörg
Generalised complex structures and homological algebra
(Project Heads
Cortés, Vicente
Holstein, Julian
Higher dimensions and categorification
(Project Heads
Reutter, David Jakob
Schweigert, Christoph
Wedrich, Paul
Integrated research training group
(Project Head
Runkel, Ingo
Quantized Chern-Simons observables as discrete integrable systems
(Project Heads
Runkel, Ingo
Schomerus, Volker
Stratified spaces and factorisation homology techniques
(Project Heads
Dyckerhoff, Tobias
Runkel, Ingo
Scheimbauer, Claudia
Schweigert, Christoph
Topological Fukaya categories, knots, and topological strings
(Project Heads
Dyckerhoff, Tobias
Teschner, Jörg
Wedrich, Paul
Completed projects
Integrability in two-dimensional conformal eld theory
(Project Heads
Runkel, Ingo
Teschner, Jörg
Mathematical Foundations of String Theory
(Project Head
Schweigert, Christoph
TQFT from and for 4d SUSY gauge theories
(Project Heads
Schweigert, Christoph
Teschner, Jörg
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1670: Mathematics Inspired by String Theory and QFT
Schweigert, Christoph
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2121: Quantum Universe
Garutti, Erika
Louis, Jan
Schleper, Peter
Servant, Geraldine
Weigand, Timo
Additional Information
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