Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik
Arbeitsgruppe Experimentelle Plasmaphysik
Leibnizstraße 19
24118 Kiel
This institution in GERiT
24118 Kiel
Research Grants
Current projects
General electromagnetic model of active plasma resonance spectroscopy and its application to spatiotemporal electron density and temperature measurements of nanodusty plasmas
Greiner, Franko
Oberrath, Jens
Towards a new method to measure low energy electron sticking coefficients using dusty plasmas
Greiner, Franko
Completed projects
Cold atmospheric plasmas for material synthesis: generation of silicon quantum dots and particle-free thin film deposition
Benedikt, Ph.D., Jan
Dusty plasmas with high electron depletion: Investigation of fundamental mechanisms and properties through particle and plasma diagnostics
Greiner, Franko
Wolf, Sebastian
Completed projects
Dynamics of magnetized plasmas
(Project Heads
Greiner, Franko
Piel, Alexander