Universität Hohenheim
Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre
Fachgebiet Bodenbiologie
Emil-Wolff-Straße 27
70599 Stuttgart
This institution in GERiT
70599 Stuttgart
Priority Programmes
Current projects
The role of microorganisms for carbon and energy turnover in soil microhabitats (MicroHabits)
Kandeler, Ellen
Marhan, Sven
Poll, Christian
Completed projects
Microbial interactions and phosphorus mobilization in forest soils - effects of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus availability
Kandeler, Ellen
The detritusphere as the biogeochemical interface for bacterial and fungal degradation of MCPA
Kandeler, Ellen
Streck, Thilo
The function of soil microorganisms during mineralisation and stabilisation of organic substances in microhabitats
Kandeler, Ellen
The parent material as major factor for the properties of the biogeochemical interface: Integrative analysis
Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid
Totsche, Kai Uwe
Research Grants
Completed projects
Associations of allophanic constituents and organic matter: Formation, properties and stabilization of organic matter
Kandeler, Ellen
Rennert, Thilo
Impact of modified temperature and precipitation regime on soil microorganisms and carbon cycling in arable soils
Kandeler, Ellen
Relating N transformation and transport to microbial activities in forest soils
Buscot, Francois
Guggenberger, Georg
Kandeler, Ellen
Wechselwirkungen von Mikroorganismen und Schwermetallen in Mikrohabitaten des Bodens
Kandeler, Ellen
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
De-intensification Effects on Methane-Cycling Microorganisms and the Methane Sink Function of Grasslands (MetGrass)
Kolb, Steffen
Marhan, Sven
Urich, Tim
The function of the hyphosphere in carbon and nutrient partitioning between plants and microorganisms in grassland soils under different land-use intensities
Kandeler, Ellen
Marhan, Sven
Completed projects
Land-use intensity effects on soil methane cycling microbes in grassland and forest soils
Kolb, Steffen
Marhan, Sven
Urich, Tim
Microbial Data Synthesis and Meta-analysis for the Biodiversity Exploratories
Bonkowski, Michael
Buscot, Francois
Daniel, Rolf
Kandeler, Ellen
Overmann, Jörg
Mineral surfaces as hotspots for microbes and element cycling in the Biodiversity Exploratories
Kaiser, Klaus
Kandeler, Ellen
Mikutta, Christian
Schrumpf, Marion
Research Units
Completed projects
Biological Regulation of Subsoil C-cycling under Field Conditions
Kandeler, Ellen
Marhan, Sven
Poll, Christian
Effects of resource quality and availability on soil microorganisms and their carbon assimilation
Kandeler, Ellen
FOR 1806: The Forgotten Part of Carbon Cycling: Organic Matter Storage and Turnover in Subsoils (SUBSOM)
Marschner, Bernd
Microbial regulation of organic matter decomposition at the regional scale
Kandeler, Ellen
Poll, Christian
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Controls for the Fate of Agrochemicals in Soils
(Project Heads
Grathwohl, Peter
Kandeler, Ellen
Pagel, Holger
Poll, Christian
Streck, Thilo
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 259: Mitigation Strategies for the Emission of Greenhouse Gases and Environmentally Toxic Agents from Agriculture and Land Use
Zeddies, Jürgen