Universität Hohenheim
Institut für Biologie
Fachgebiet Molekulare Botanik (190a)
Garbenstraße 30
70599 Stuttgart
This institution in GERiT
70599 Stuttgart
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 3000: Ecology and Evolution of Intraspecific Chemodiversity in Plants
Müller, Caroline
Role of constitutive and induced chemodiversity in Solanum dulcamara in plant-herbivore interactions
Steppuhn, Anke
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Plant priming of anti-herbivore defences by insect oviposition
(Project Head
Steppuhn, Anke
Research Grants
Current projects
Reciprocal fitness consequences in the defense mediated interaction between a toxic plant and a sequestering herbivore
Pagel, Jörn
Petschenka, Georg
Schweiger, Andreas
Steppuhn, Anke
Completed projects
A pollen profile from the harbour basin of Elaia/Pergamum to investigate the vegetation changes in NW-Turkey during the last 7500 years.
Brückner, Helmut
Exploring the genetic basis of wound nectar secretion in Solanum dulcamara
Steppuhn, Anke
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Elektrospray-Triple-Quadrupole-/QTRAP Tandem Mass Spectrometer (UHPLC-ESI-TQ/QTRAP-MS/MS)