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Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Institut für Biologie II
Forschungsschwerpunkt Mikrobiologie
Schänzlestraße 1
79104 Freiburg
This institution in GERiT
79104 Freiburg
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Anaerobic bacterial metabolism of cholesterol
Boll, Matthias
ATP-getriebener Elektronentransport der Benzoyl-CoA Reduktase
Boll, Matthias
Enzymatic reactions involved in anaerobic naphthalene degradation
Meckenstock, Rainer Udo
Function of c-di-AMP in Archaea
Albers, Sonja Verena
Interconnections of metallo enzyme synthesis machineries in Geobacter metallireducens: cofactor assembly and function of W-/FeS-containing BamB
Boll, Matthias
Molecular ecology and biochemistry of cyclohexenoyl-CoA hydrolysing/forming enzymes
Boll, Matthias
Radicals in anaerobic aromatic metabolism
Boll, Matthias
SPP 1319: Biological Transformations without Oxygen: From the Molecular to the Global Scale
Boll, Matthias
Unusual enzyme complexes in anaerobic aromatic metabolism of Geobacter metallireducens
Boll, Matthias
Research Grants
Current projects
Cruising the marine halomethane cycle: Microbiology, biochemistry and geochemistry of reference bacteria, new microbial players and underlying processes
Boll, Matthias
Keppler, Frank
Exploration of new players in FtsZ-based cell DiVision in Archaea (DiVA)
Albers, Sonja Verena
Completed projects
Biochemical characterization of the benzoyl-CoA pathway in Desulfobacula toluolica, Desulfococus multivorans and Desulfosarcina variabilis
Boll, Matthias
Characterization of a novel type of benzene ring reductase in Geobacter metallireducens
Boll, Matthias
Enzymatic reductions in the anaerobic aromatic at extremely low redox potentials
Boll, Matthias
Enzymes involved in the anaerobic degradation of phthalates
Boll, Matthias
Metabolism of benzoate in strictly anaerobic bacteria
Boll, Matthias
Pili mediated DNA exchange in the third domain of life
Albers, Sonja Verena
Spore formation in the Gram negative bacterium, Myxococcus xanthus
van der Does, Chris
Structure and function of benzoyl-coenzyme A reductases
Boll, Matthias
Unravelling archaeal signal transduction networks
Albers, Sonja Verena
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5596: Unfolding the potential of S-adenosylmethionine-dependent enzyme chemistry
Andexer, Jennifer
SAM- and cobalamin- dependent conversion of estrogens into androgens
Boll, Matthias
Completed projects
Dehalogenation of halogenated benzoic acids in denitrifying bacteria
Boll, Matthias
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Dynamic assembly, localization and rotation of the archaellum
(Project Head
Albers, Sonja Verena
The bacterial electron-bifurcating benzoyl-CoA reductase complex and its dynamic interaction partners
(Project Head
Boll, Matthias
Completed projects
Biofilm formation by the crenarchaeon Sulfolobus in response to surface contact
(Project Head
Albers, Sonja Verena
Effect of phosphorylation on the archaellum regulatory protein network
(Project Head
Albers, Sonja Verena
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
UPLC-APGC - QqTOF-Massenspektrometer mit Ionenmobilitätszelle
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1976: Functional Diversity of Cofactors in Enzymes
Bechthold, Andreas
Additional Information
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