Philipps-Universität Marburg
Fachbereich Medizin
Institut für Zytobiologie
Robert-Koch-Straße 6
35037 Marburg
This institution in GERiT
35037 Marburg
Research Grants
Completed projects
Biogenese sekretorischer Granula im exokrinen Pankreas: Aufbau und Funktion der submembranösen Granulamatrix
Jacob, Ralf
Characterisation of vesicular transport pathways to the apical membrane domain of epithelial cells
Jacob, Ralf
Der Sortierapparat in polaren Zellen
Naim, Hassan Y.
Development of a peripheral neuropathy after a conditional Miz1 knockout in Schwann cells
Elsässer, Hans-Peter
Die Translokation von Galectin-3 in post Golgi Transportvesikel und seine Funktion im apikalen Proteintransport
Jacob, Ralf
Galectin-networks in apical protein trafficking
Jacob, Ralf
Mechanistic and structural analysis of the function of the mitochondrial ABC transporter Atm1 in cellular iron-sulfur and iron metabolism
Lill, Roland
Srinivasan, Ph.D., Vasundara
Molecular mechanisms of sulfur transfer during biosynthesis of iron-sulfur clusters in eukaryotes
Heidenreich, Torsten
Molekularer Mechanismus der Biosynthese von Fe/S Proteinen in Mitochondrien
Lill, Roland
Rolle des Zink-Finger-Proteins Miz-1 in der Tumorigenese und in der Kontrolle der Proliferation von Keratinozyten und Lymphozyten
Eilers, Martin
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Elucidating the mechanisms of [4Fe-4S] cluster insertions into the cytosolic iron-sulfur protein assembly component Nar1
Braymer, Ph.D., Joseph James
Role of redox-active thiols in the biogenesis of cytosolic and nuclear iron-sulfur proteins
Lill, Roland
Role of the mitochondrial Bol1 and Bol3 proteins in iron-sulfur cluster delivery to diverse recipient proteins
Lill, Roland
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Completed projects
Molecular mechanism and structure of the cytosolic iron-sulfur protein assembly (CIA) machinery
Lill, Roland
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Biogenese von Cytochrom C und Cytochrom Hämlyasen: Mechanismen und Komponenten
(Project Head
Lill, Roland
Die Funktion des mitochondrialen ABC-Transporters Atm1 bei der Biogenese zellulärer Fe/S Proteine
(Project Head
Lill, Roland
Die rolle des tubulären Endosoms für die Reifungsknospung von HCMV
(Project Head
Kern, Horst F.
Identification of vesicle components involved in apical protein transport
(Project Head
Jacob, Ralf
Mechanism and Regulation of the Cellular Compartmentalization of Iron between Mitochondria and Cytosol
(Project Head
Mühlenhoff, Ulrich
Sensing and intracellular delivery of iron by fungal monothiol glutaredoxins
(Project Heads
Lill, Roland
Mühlenhoff, Ulrich
SFB 593: Mechanisms of Cellular Compartmentation and the Relevance for Disease
Lill, Roland
Sortierung, Verpackung und Freisetzung von Proteinen der Azinuszellen des Pankreas
(Project Heads
Kern, Horst F.
Schrader, Michael
The role of mitochondria in the maturation of cytosolic and nuclear iron-sulfur proteins
(Project Head
Lill, Roland
Zentrale Aufgaben (Leistungen für alle Teilprojekte)
(Project Head
Lill, Roland
Completed projects
Biogenesis of iron-sulfur proteins in mitosomes and cytosol of Microsporidia and hydrogenosomes of Trichomonas
(Project Head
Lill, Roland
Role of the Myc/Miz1 interaction in the co-operation of Ras and Myc
(Project Heads
Eilers, Martin
Elsässer, Hans-Peter
Wanzel, Michael
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 767: Transcriptional Control in Developmental Processes
Suske, Guntram
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1216: Intra- and Intercellular Transport and Communication
Maier, Uwe Gallus
GRK 2213: Membrane plasticity in tissue development and remodeling
Borchers, Annette