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Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaften und -technologien
Fachgebiet Keramische Werkstoffe
Hardenbergstraße 40
10623 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10623 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Origin of the springback effect in ambient pressure dried silica and other metal-oxide aerogels
Fratzl, Peter
Gurlo, Aleksander
Producing engineering fungal composite materials that sense and capture ß-lactam antibiotics from clinical wastewater to reduce antibiotics burden in sewage treatment plants
Freidank-Pohl, Carsten
Completed projects
Additive Manufacturing of Nano- and Microarchitected Ceramics
Wang, Xifan
Influence of graphene dispersion in aluminum-graphene-composites on mechanical and electrical properties of extruded profiles
Gurlo, Aleksander
Negendank, Maik
In situ defect characterization of LiFePO4 cathodes with positron annihilation spectroscopy PAS
Banhart, John
Gurlo, Aleksander
Micropatterned polymer-derived ceramic catalysts and sensors
Gurlo, Aleksander
Riedel, Ralf
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Dielectric properties and electrical conductivity as predictors of catalytic selectivity
Kraus, Ph.D., Peter
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Low NOx thermochemical conversion of ammonia
Hampp, Ph.D., Fabian
Kraus, Ph.D., Peter
Möhring, Hans Christian
Completed projects
Indium oxide(In2O3) under high pressure: rational design of new polymorphs and characterisation of their physico-chemical properties
Gurlo, Aleksander
Kleebe, Hans-Joachim
Metastable indium oxyhydroxide (InOOH) and corundum-type indium oxide (In2O3): controllable synthesis, growth of single crystals and in-situ characterization of transformation paths and transient intermediates
Gurlo, Aleksander
Thermoresistant Ceramic Membrane with Integrated Gas Sensor for High Termperature Separation and Detection of Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide
Gurlo, Aleksander
Saruhan-Brings, Bilge
Voigt, Ingolf
Weimar, Udo
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5657: Bioinspired anti-fatigue: enhancing materials science structural properties by abstracting naturally-grown fatigue resistance
Fleck, Claudia
P2 “Enamel”: Natural enamel and water-glass based composites – decoding structure-function relationship regarding fatigue resistance of two complementary systems
Fleck, Claudia
Görke, Oliver
von Stein-Lausnitz, Manja
SP-6: In-vitro-cytocompatibility and In-vivo-tests of additively manufactured implants in the context of the demonstration, expansion and development of a valid Ex-vivo-test bench for the holistic mechanical-biological assessment of biomaterials
Barbeck, Mike
Jung, Ole
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Personalized Osteoporosis Drug Testing Platform: Integrated Biomimetic Perfusion Model and Biosensors
Pang, Shumin
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
FAIRmat – FAIR Data Infrastructure for Condensed-Matter Physics and the Chemical Physics of Solids
Draxl, Claudia
Additional Information
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