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Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Prozess- und Verfahrenstechnik
Fachgebiet Mess- und Regelungstechnik
Hardenbergstraße 36a
10623 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10623 Berlin
Research Grants
Completed projects
Closed-loop control of unsteady flows around bluff bodies including lateral vehicle dynamics
King, Rudibert
Mathematische Modellierung unvollständig bekannter biologischer Reaktionsnetzwerke
King, Rudibert
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Model-based process control for dynamic and efficient operation of liquid/liquid mixer-settler systems
Knorn, Steffi
Kraume, Matthias
Completed projects
Flächige Strömungsregelung mittels verteilter Wandaktuation
King, Rudibert
The effect of shear forces on the morphogenetic gene network, cell integrity, microscopic and macroscopic morphology of Aspergillus niger and on the formation rate of intra- and extracellular products
King, Rudibert
Meyer, Vera
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Aktive Beeinflussung des dynamischen Verhaltens einer druckgesteuerten Ablöseblase
(Project Heads
Fernholz, Hans-Hermann
King, Rudibert
Central Task of the Collaborative Research Center
(Project Heads
King, Rudibert
Peitsch, Dieter
Closed-loop separation control applied to one or more bluff bodies
(Project Head
King, Rudibert
Low-dimensional modelling and control of free and wall-bounded shear flows (generalization for complex geometries)
(Project Heads
King, Rudibert
Noack, Bernd Rainer
Modelling, monitoring and control of the pulsating combustion
(Project Head
King, Rudibert
Rapid control of transient effects in turbo-machines
(Project Head
King, Rudibert
Regelung abgelöster Strömungen in hoch belasteten Turbomaschinen
(Project Heads
King, Rudibert
Noack, Bernd Rainer
Regelung abgelöster Strömungen in hoch belasteten Turbomaschinen
(Project Heads
King, Rudibert
Noack, Bernd Rainer
SFB 557: Control of Complex Turbulent Shear Flows
King, Rudibert
SFB 1029: TurbIn - Substantial Efficiency Increase in Gas Turbines through Direct Use of Coupled Unsteady Combustion and Flow Dynamics
King, Rudibert
Peitsch, Dieter
Strömungsregelung einer Airbus-Hochauftriebskonfiguration mit aktiver Ablösebeeinflussung
(Project Head
King, Rudibert
Zentrale Verwaltung
(Project Head
King, Rudibert
Additional Information
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