Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Prozess- und Verfahrenstechnik
Fachgebiet Verfahrenstechnik
Ackerstraße 76
13355 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
13355 Berlin
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Model-based process control for dynamic and efficient operation of liquid/liquid mixer-settler systems
Knorn, Steffi
Kraume, Matthias
Completed projects
Interaction of mechanical stresses and productivity of biological agglomerates in stirred fermenters
Kraume, Matthias
Mass transfer of rising gas bubbles in reacting liquids
Kraume, Matthias
Überlagerung von instationärem Stofftransport und homogener chemischer Reaktion an Einzeltropfen
Kraume, Matthias
Research Grants
Current projects
Analysis and modeling of radial heat transport mechanisms in fixed-bed reactors for process intensification
Kraume, Matthias
Wehinger, Gregor
Mass Transfer in Dispersed Liquid-Liquid Systems
Kraume, Matthias
Zeiner, Tim
Systematic Evaluation and Development of Discrete Element Coarse- Graining Approaches for the Modeling of Fluidized Particle Systems
Kraume, Matthias
Kruggel-Emden, Harald
Completed projects
Coalescence efficiency in binary systems
Bart, Hans-Jörg
Kraume, Matthias
Fluiddynamik und Stofftransport bei Flüssigkeitsfilmen an einem senkrechten Draht
Kraume, Matthias
Mechanismen der nachgeschalteten Denitrifikation ohne Zugabe einer externen C-Quelle in einem Membranbelebungsverfahren mit vorgeschalteter anaerober Stufe
Kraume, Matthias
Mixing of fluids with viscoelastic flow behaviour in stirred tanks
Kraume, Matthias
Modelling, Simulation, and Control of Drop Size Distributions in Stirred Liquid/Liquid Systems
Kraume, Matthias
Mehrmann, Volker
Schäfer, Michael
Spatially resolved measurement of transient concentration and temperature fields using Schlieren and LIF technique
Kraume, Matthias
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Entwicklung einer neuen Optimierungsstrategie für anaerobe Reaktoren
(Project Head
Kraume, Matthias
Completed projects
Central Tasks
(Project Head
Kraume, Matthias
Characterization, modeling and simulation of phase separation in micellar multiphase systems
(Project Heads
Kraume, Matthias
Thévenin, Dominique
Gas/liquid mass transfer in reactive multiphase systems
(Project Heads
Böhm, Lutz
Hecht, Kristin
Kraume, Matthias
Mass transfer and interfacial phenomena in micellar three phase systems and pickering emulsions
(Project Head
Kraume, Matthias
TRR 63: Integrated Chemical Processes in Liquid Multiphase Systems
Kraume, Matthias
Ultrafiltration of micellar systems in integrated processes
(Project Heads
Drews, Anja
Kraume, Matthias
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 827: Transport Phenomena with Moving Boundaries
Kraume, Matthias
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 314: Unifying Concepts in Catalysis
Drieß, Matthias