Philipps-Universität Marburg
Fachgebiet Klimageographie und Umweltmodellierung
Deutschhausstraße 10
35037 Marburg
This institution in GERiT
35037 Marburg
Research Units
Current projects
Changes of water and carbon fluxes in mountain wet and dry forests under environmental changes - observations, area-wide remote sensing and LSMAtmo
Bendix, Jörg
Trachte, Katja
Conservation, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
Hemp, Ph.D., Andreas
FOR 2730: Environmental changes in biodiversity hotspot ecosystems of South Ecuador: RESPonse and feedback effECTs (RESPECT)
Farwig, Nina
Completed projects
Central data services
Bendix, Jörg
Central Services - Coordination and Administration
Bendix, Jörg
Coordination Funds
Bendix, Jörg
Flächendeckende Erfassung der ökosystemaren Wolken-/Niederschlagsstruktur und Simulation atmophärischer Flüsse in der Cordillera de San Francisco/Südecuador
Bendix, Jörg
FOR 816: Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of a Megadiverse Mountain Ecosystem in Southern Ecuador
Bendix, Jörg
Impacts of environmental change on climate and ecosystem in southern Ecuador
Bendix, Jörg
Nauss, Thomas
The biology of southern bracken in the anthropogenic ecosystem in the San Francisco valley of South Ecuador
Beck, Erwin
Bendix, Jörg
Scheibe, Renate
Web-based information and database system
Bendix, Jörg
Research Grants
Current projects
DynAmics of PRecipitation in transition: The Water source for the Galapagos ArchIpelago under Climate Change - DARWIN
Bendix, Jörg
Scherer, Dieter
Is fog really decreasing everywhere? - A new longterm fog climatology for Europe based on cross-generation satellite data from the geostationary orbit (SatFogClim)
Bendix, Jörg
Egli, Sebastian
Completed projects
A global approach to analyze the extent of the newly detected Tropical Lowland Cloud Forest (TLCF) based on a large-scale analysis of fog frequency and epiphyte growth, with a special focus on South America
Bader, Maaike
Bendix, Jörg
Balancing regulating and provisioning ecosystem services: Comprehensive land-use concepts for effective conservation
Knoke, Thomas
Climate indicators on the local scale for past, present and future and platform data management
Bendix, Jörg
Trachte, Katja
CorsiClimAte - Seasonal and topographic partitioning of vapor transport, cloud and precipitation in Corsica, with special reference to PBL height
Bendix, Jörg
Trachte, Katja
Delineating the mountain cloud forest of Taiwan by means of topographic cloud immersion with moderate resolution satellite data and ground based observations
Thies, Boris
Development and validation of functional indicators for avian seed dispersal
Böhning-Gaese, Katrin
Development of area-wide functional indicators using remotely sensed data
Bendix, Jörg
Entwicklung einer operationellen Technik zur Berechnung der Niederschlagsrate auf Basis multispektraler Wolkeneigenschaften im Zusammenhang mit der Fertigstellung eines satellitenbasierten Niederschlagsretrievals, der SEVIRI Operational Rainfall Retrieval Technique (SORT)
Bendix, Jörg
Fog detection and mapping by means of MSG and TERRA/AQUA-MODIS
Bendix, Jörg
Fog Observation and Geostationary Monitoring of its Area and Properties
Bendix, Jörg
FOrecasting radiation foG by combining station and satellite data using Machine Learning (FOG-ML)
Bendix, Jörg
Thies, Boris
Ground fog detection and analysis with Machine Learning (GFog-ML)
Bendix, Jörg
Thies, Boris
Nebelklima und Epiphytendiversität des tropischen Tieflandnebelwaldes in Französisch Guyana
Bendix, Jörg
Gradstein, Stephan Robbert
Operational rainfall monitoring in southern Ecuador. Towards the development of a national weather radar network.
Bendix, Jörg
Operational vertical PROfiling of FOG properties - Development of a new technique by means of a novel ground-based 94 GHz FMCW cloud radar (ProFog)
Thies, Boris
Remote sensing as surrogate for phylodiversity and functional processes along land use and elevation gradients
Bendix, Jörg
Brandl, Roland
Farwig, Nina
Ziegenhagen, Birgit
Remote Sensing of precipitation (RS)
Bendix, Jörg
Thies, Boris
The novel Grit Crust: Taxonomy and Recovery of Atacama’s Dark Life (GRIT LIFE)
Jung, Patrick
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Satellite supported generation of area wide climate and vegetation datasets for an integrative analysis of ecosystem biodiversity relationships on grassland areas
Nauss, Thomas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
ICP-Massenspektrometer mit HPLC
Research data and software
Completed projects
Vorarbeiten zur Erstellung eines Konzepts zur Sicherung von Biodiversitätsdaten: Analyse bestehender Initiativen und Eruierung der Motivations- und Akzeptanzfragen
Bendix, Jörg
Gemeinholzer, Birgit
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Effects of bioturbation on rates of vertical and horizontal sediment and nutrient fluxes
Bendix, Jörg
Brandl, Roland
Farwig, Nina
Interactive plant-trait and climate effects on soil organic carbon along the Chilean coastal cordillera
Bader, Maaike
Structure and function of biocrusts in weathering, soil formation and erosion processes (CRUSTWEATHERING).
Bendix, Jörg
Büdel, Burkhard
Karsten, Ulf
Leinweber, Peter
Vegetation control on long-term to short-term landscape evolution from thermochronology and remote sensing
Bendix, Jörg
Glotzbach, Christoph