Bundesinstitut für Impfstoffe und biomedizinische Arzneimittel
Abteilung Hämatologie / Transfusionsmedizin
Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 51-59
63225 Langen
This institution in GERiT
63225 Langen
Research Grants
Completed projects
Bedeutung posttranslationaler Modifikationen für die enzymatische Aktivität und zelluläre Lokalisation von humanen Guanylat-Bindungsproteinen
Praefcke, Gerrit
Molekulare Charakterisierung veränderter IgM-IgG-Interaktionen bei der Autoimmunhämolyse vom Wärmetyp: Regulationsmechanismen peripherer Immuntoleranz
Stahl, Dorothea
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Posttranslational modification and enzymatic activity of human guanylate-binding proteins
(Project Head
Praefcke, Gerrit
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Identifikation von Schlüsselgenen in der Pathogenese Myelodysplastischer Syndrome (MDS) mittels "high-density" Genomanalyse
Nowak, Daniel
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
The role of the human guanylate-binding protein 1 in the formation and trafficking of phagosomes and other pathogen containing membrane compartments
Praefcke, Gerrit
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2033: The Hematopoietic Niches
Oostendorp, Robert A.J.
Completed projects
Exploration of the role of neural-type receptors and the ECM proteins SPARC and Tenascin C in the bone marrow HSC-niche unit
Nowak, Daniel
Trumpp, Ph.D., Andreas