Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Institut für Physik (IFP)
Abteilung Energie und Halbleiterforschung (aufgelöst)
Carl von Ossietzky Straße 9-11
26129 Oldenburg
26129 Oldenburg
Research Grants
Completed projects
Charge transport in three orthogonal directions in a single crystal of the conjugated polymer poly(3-hexylthiophene)
Govor, Leonid
Reiter, Günter
Control of strong metal-support interactions in catalysts made of colloidally prepared metal nanoparticles and transition metal oxides
Borchert, Holger
Bäumer, Marcus
Highly luminescent polymer single crystals with anisotropic optical and electronic properties from appropriately designed, defect-free regioregular polythiophenes
Reiter, Günter
Sommer, Michael
Ladungstransport in Nanoteilchen-Ketten
Haug, Rolf J.
Parisi, Jürgen
Mikrowellenoptische Spektroskopie zum lichtinduzierten Elektronentransfer in organischen Donator-Akzeptor-Heteroverbindungen
Parisi, Jürgen
Photo- und elektrophysikalische Transportprozesse in Polymer-Nanokompositen
Parisi, Jürgen
Solution-producible depleted heterojunction solar cells made of copper indium disulfide and zinc oxide nanocrystals
Parisi, Jürgen
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Optisches Glimmentladungsspektrometer