Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Abteilung Molekulare Hirnphysiologie und Verhaltensforschung
Carl-Troll-Straße 31
53115 Bonn
This institution in GERiT
53115 Bonn
Research Grants
Current projects
Connectomic analysis of an entire Drosophila: connecting the central nervous system (CNS) with the periphery in the larval feeding system
Pankratz, Michael
Completed projects
Molecular analysis of genes controlling food intake and growth in Drosophila
Pankratz, Michael
Molecular genetic analysis of central neurons regulating feeding motor patterns in Drosophila
Pankratz, Michael
Neural circuits modulating feeding and locomotion in Drosophila larvae
Pankratz, Michael
Signaling and transcriptional control of metabolic pathways in Drosophila
Pankratz, Michael
Target genes of insulin and TOR signaling in Drosophila
Pankratz, Michael
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Insulin/insulin receptor transport and endocytosis in Drosophila neuroendocrine cells
(Project Head
Pankratz, Michael
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Laserscanning Mikroskop mit Multiphotonen Laser
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1023: ImmunoSensation: The Immune Sensory System
Hartmann, Gunther
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2151: ImmunoSensation2 - the immune sensory system
Hartmann, Gunther
Kolanus, Waldemar
Latz, Eicke
Schultze, Joachim L.