Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Festkörpermechanik
Professur für Mechanik multifunktionaler Strukturen
01062 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01062 Dresden
Research Grants
Current projects
Controllable membrane system
Richter, Andreas
Wallmersperger, Thomas
Completed projects
Field-activated sintering of metallic materials - experimental study and simulation of mechanisms of matter transport
Kieback, Bernd
Wallmersperger, Thomas
Formation of three dimensional crack patterns
Hofmann, Martin
Tillmann, Wolfgang
Modeling and simulation of the electro-mechanical behavior of carbon nanotubes
Wallmersperger, Thomas
Vektorpotential-Formulierung für die 3D-Finite-Elemente-Modellierung nichtlinearer elektromechanischer Feldprobleme
Balke, Herbert
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Elastic couplings with integrated flexible dielectric elastomer sensors
Schlecht, Berthold
Vorrath, Ernst-Friedrich Markus
Wallmersperger, Thomas
Completed projects
Modeling and finite element simulation of the chemo-magneto-mechanical behavior of magnetic polymer gels
Wallmersperger, Thomas
Numerische und experimentelle Untersuchung des gekoppelten chemo-elektro-mechanisch, visko-hyperelastischen Verhaltens von Hydrogelen für Aktor- und Sensoranwendungen
Gerlach, Gerald
Wallmersperger, Thomas
Current projects
Corrosion modeling for the evaluation of mechanically joined components
(Project Head
Wallmersperger, Thomas
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1865: Hydrogel-based Microsystems
Gerlach, Gerald