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Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charité Campus Mitte
Institut für Pharmakologie
Hessische Straße 3-4
10115 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10115 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Control of the cellular sugar sensor ChREBP by proline hydroxylases and hypoxia
Schupp, Ph.D., Michael
Hepatic nuclear receptor networks controlling responses to nutritional challenges
Schupp, Ph.D., Michael
Uhlenhaut, Nina Henriette
Regulation of Thyroid Function by Retinol Saturase
Schupp, Ph.D., Michael
Completed projects
Auto and heteroregulative effects of serotonin on brain development in vivo and in vitro: Influence by transgenic alterations of the serotonergic transmission
Hörtnagl, Heide
Cardiac proteome analysis of a novel genetic mouse model of hypertension: the ET+/+eNOS-/-mice
Theuring, Franz
Etablierung transgener Tiermodelle zur Analyse der regulatorischen Sequenzen des Serotonin1A-Rezeptorgens und Manipulierung der serotonergen Funktion im ZNS von transgenen Mäusen und Ratten
Theuring, Franz
Funktionelle Blockade des Nucleus subthalamicus bzw. Nucleus entopeduncularis im 6-Hydroxydopamin-Rattenmodell des Parkinson-Syndroms
Kupsch, Andreas
Novel functions of Retinol Saturase in glucose sensing
Schupp, Ph.D., Michael
Nutritional control of p53 activity and its role in metabolic flexibility
Schulz, Tim J.
Schupp, Ph.D., Michael
Regulation of retinoid homeostasis by the hormone FGF21
Schupp, Ph.D., Michael
Tiefe Hirnstimulation im Rattenmodell der Alkoholabhängigkeit
Spanagel, Rainer
Winter, Christine
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Regulierung des hepatischen Glukose- und Fettstoffwechsels durch die Retinol Saturase
Schupp, Ph.D., Michael
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Hypothalamic deep brain stimulation as a novel experimental and therapeutic approach in the treatment of adiposity
Spranger, Joachim
Mechanismen nigraler Neuroprotektion und striataler Neuroplastizität nach chronischer STN-THS
Kupsch, Andreas
Role of pigment epithelium derived factor (PEDF) in the regulation of body weight
Birkenfeld, Andreas L.
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 276: Signal Recognition and Transduction
Wiedenmann, Bertram
GRK 754: Myocardial Gene Expression und Function - Myocardial Hypertrophy
Regitz-Zagrosek, Vera
Additional Information
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