Universität Wien
Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften
Department für Ernährungswissenschaften
Althanstraße 14
1090 Wien
1090 Wien
Research Grants
Current projects
Aging-associated liver and pancreas degeneration: Role of bacterial endotoxin
Höhn, Annika
Mentalizing under stress: targeting the neurocomputational mechanisms
Schulreich, Stefan
Completed projects
Effects of an oral supplementation of arginine, citrulline and glutamine on the development and progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): Role of gender and age
Bergheim, Ina
Rolle des Plasminogen Aktivator Inhibitor (PAI)-1 in der Pathogenese der fructoseinduzierten nicht-alkoholbedingten Fettlebererkrankung: Regulation des Triglyzeridexports und der iNKT-Zellen in der Leber
Bergheim, Ina
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Aging-associated modification of intestinal homeostasis and barrier function: Role of microbiota, iNOS and innate immunity
Bergheim, Ina
Camarinha Silva, Amelia