Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Institut für Materialwissenschaft
Nanoscale Magnetic Materials - Magnetic Domains
Kaiserstraße 2
24143 Kiel
This institution in GERiT
24143 Kiel
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Nanostructured Materials
McCord, Jeffrey
Research Grants
Current projects
Multifunctional magnetooptical sensors for the measurements of magnetic fields, electrical quantities, and temperature
McCord, Jeffrey
Completed projects
DomMagDzMo_Domain wall dynamics and magnetic texture behavior in magnetic films with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
McCord, Jeffrey
Hybride Magnetische Materialien - mikroskopische Modifikationen, makroskopische Wirkungen
Faßbender, Jürgen
McCord, Jeffrey
Magnetic surfaces for the controlled manipulation of superparamagnetic microbeads
McCord, Jeffrey
Magnetostrictive multilayers for magneto-electric sensors - layer structure and magnetic domains
McCord, Jeffrey
Meyners, Dirk
Non-Local Chiral Interactions In Corrugated Magnetic Nanoshells
Makarov, Denys
McCord, Jeffrey
Tailored and switchable high frequency properties - Domain configurations and observation of magnetization dynamics in nanostructured ferromagnetic films
McCord, Jeffrey
Zeitaufgelöste Kerrmikroskopie an magnetischen Schichtsystemen
Schäfer, Rudolf
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Domain structures and dynamics in Ferromagnetic shape memory materials: Theory and Experiment - Dynamic metallographic and magneto-optical polarization microscopy of MSMA systems
McCord, Jeffrey
Injection, motion, and interaction of magnetic skyrmions
McCord, Jeffrey
Münzenberg, Markus
Waldorf, Konrad
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Gerken, Martina
Laufs, Ph.D., Helmut
Maetzler, Walter
McCord, Jeffrey
Magnetic noise of magnetoelectric sensors
(Project Heads
McCord, Jeffrey
Wulfinghoff, Stephan
Magnetostrictive multilayers for magnetoelectric sensors
(Project Heads
McCord, Jeffrey
Meyners, Dirk
Completed projects
Effects of magnetic domains in magneto-electric composite materials
(Project Head
McCord, Jeffrey