Universität zu Köln
Department Psychologie
Abteilung Methodenlehre und Experimentelle Psychologie
Herbert-Lewin-Straße 2
50931 Köln
This institution in GERiT
50931 Köln
Research Grants
Current projects
Effects of stimulus strength and attention on evaluative learning - Unconscious evaluative conditioning under subliminal and incidental conditions
Stahl, Christoph
Completed projects
An examination of the assumption of invariance of the process dissociation models in implicit learningparadigms
Haider, Hilde
Stahl, Christoph
Cognitive Processes of Implicit and Explicit Sequence Learning
Barth, Marius
Urteilsprozesse beim Erinnern: Einflüsse der Quellenrepräsentation auf Strategien des Informationsabrufs
Hussy, Walter