Universität Wien
Department für Neurowissenschaften und Entwicklungsbiologie
Djerassiplatz 1
1030 Wien
1030 Wien
Research Grants
Completed projects
Combining Morphology and Palaeogenomics to understand the Status and Contribution of Mules to Roman Equine Populations in Austria and Germany.
Peters, Joris
Micro-mechanics and Structure-function relationships in spider mechano-sensors; a key to understanding organ- performance
Politi, Ph.D., Yael
Neuronal cell recognition in Drosophila
Hummel, Thomas
Tool-use and cognition in Darwins´s finches
Tebbich, Sabine
Towards the vertebrate eye - Exploring photoreceptors of basal deuterostomes
Lüter, Carsten
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Molekulare Mechanismen neuronaler Erkennungsidentität
Hummel, Thomas
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Cell-Cell Recognition in Olfactory System Development
(Project Head
Hummel, Thomas
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1050: Molecular Basis of Dynamic Cellular Processes
Püschel, Andreas