Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik
Physikalisches Institut
Theorie der Elementarteilchen und Quantenfeldtheorie
Hermann-Herder-Straße 3
79104 Freiburg
This institution in GERiT
79104 Freiburg
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Looking through the Higgs window and beyond
Rzehak, Heidi A.
Research Grants
Current projects
Electroweak parton shower for high-energy particle collisions
Dittmaier, Stefan
Renormalization of extensions of the Standard Model: Towards automation
Rzehak, Heidi A.
W-pair production at future lepton colliders
Dittmaier, Stefan
Completed projects
Automation of next-to-leading-order predictions for physics beyond the Standard Model at the LHC
Dittmaier, Stefan