Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Institut für Philosophie II
Lehrstuhl Philosophie des Geistes
Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum
This institution in GERiT
44801 Bochum
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy
Newen, Albert
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2812: Constructing Scenarios of the Past: A New Framework in Episodic Memory
Cheng, Sen
Modification of episodic memories due to integration with a self-model
Axmacher, Nikolai
The bi-directional self-memory dynamics: a conceptual framework
Newen, Albert
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Current projects
Philosophy and the Mind Sciences (PhiMiSci). Consolidation of a scientific open access journal.
Fink, Sascha Benjamin
Wiese, Wanja
Research Grants
Completed projects
The structure and development of understanding actions and reasons
Newen, Albert
Schlicht, Tobias
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2185: Situated Cognition - New Concepts in Investigating Core Mental Phenomena
Newen, Albert
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 98: Ruhr-University Research School
Fischer, Roland A.
Löwenstein, Wilhelm