Hochschule Mittweida
Technikumplatz 17
09648 Mittweida
This institution in GERiT
09648 Mittweida
Research Grants
Current projects
Control of the microstructure of thin multilayer systems by ultrashort pulsed laser irradiation - process understanding by complementary in situ and ex situ characterizations and multiscale simulations
Horn, Alexander
Rafaja, David
Sandfeld, Stefan
Elucidating RNA structural dynamics by means of smFRET and nsFCS on all time scales and building dynamic RNA structure models (RNAdyn)
Börner, Richard
Fundamentals of the interaction of high-frequency bursts of ultrashort laser pulses with dielectric materials of various energy band gaps
Weißmantel, Steffen
Interaction of bursts of ultrafast laser radiation in the GHz to MHz regime with metals - MULTIPULSE
Horn, Alexander
Weißmantel, Steffen
Investigations on laser induced plasma upon high-intensity double pulse laser material processing
Horn, Alexander
Surface Modification of Silicon at the Nanometer Scale
Garcia, Martin Ezequiel
Horn, Alexander
Completed projects
Laser bending of silicon microstructures
Exner, Horst
Mechanisms of crystallization of CoFeB-based TMR stacks under laser annealing
Horn, Alexander
Salvan, Georgeta
Schulz, Stefan E.
Verfahrensentwicklung zum laserinduzierten Färben von dotierten Gläsern mit Femtosekunden-Laserstrahlung
Horn, Alexander
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Selectively generated complex-shaped metallic or polymer nanostructures using spatially and temporally shaped femtosecond laser radiation with STED-Multiphoton-Lithography
Horn, Alexander
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Ultrahochvakuum-Beschichtungsanlage für die Laserpulsabscheidung von Mehrschichtsystemen
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Current projects
Strengthen current research on laser applications and shape the future of laser research at the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida with biophotonics - BIOphotonics and LASer Technologies in Saxony (BIOLASAX).