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Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
GeoZentrum Nordbayern
Lehrstuhl für Mineralogie
Schlossgarten 5a
91054 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91054 Erlangen
Research Grants
Current projects
Admixture driven Rheology and Carbonatization pathways of Recycled Concrete Fines (ARCTIC)
Gädt, Torben
Jansen, Daniel
Development of SiO2 - Li2O - ZrO2 dental glass-ceramic systems with extended lifetimes: crystallization mechanisms and resistance to subcritical crack growth
Götz-Neunhoeffer, Friedlinde
de Ligny, Dominique
Lohbauer, Ulrich
Infrared spectroscopy on garnet of eclogite and associated ultramafic rocks: Importance of garnet for water transport into the mantle
Schmädicke, Esther
Interaction mechanisms of medical agents with calcium phosphate cements for the application as pharmacologically active bone substitutes
Gbureck, Uwe
Hurle, Katrin
olivine-based cements- basic research for CO2-neutral binders
Bellmann, Frank
Neubauer, Jürgen
The kinetics of C3S hydration - Physicochemical modeling with special respect to K+, Al(OH)4- and SO42- in pore solution
Bellmann, Frank
Neubauer, Jürgen
Completed projects
A contribution to the understanding of the fundamental mechanism leading to the retardation of cement hydration caused by polymer particles.
Jansen, Daniel
Growth and porosity of C-S-H phases, development of the `Sheet Growth Model` and coupling with experimental data (1H NMR, SEM)
Ludwig, Horst-Michael
Neubauer, Jürgen
Identifying time constraints and mechanisms of crust-mantle coupling in Central European continental lithosphere
Haase, Karsten Matthias
Investigation and modelling of alite hydration
Bellmann, Frank
Neubauer, Jürgen
Phasenbeziehungen, Struktur und magnetische Eigenschaften von substituierten Hexaferriten: Optimierte Dauermagnetwerkstoffe
Göbbels, Matthias
Quantification of the strength forming-phase in cementitious materials (C-S-H)
Neubauer, Jürgen
Schmidt-Döhl, Frank
Solving real-world analytical challenges: Developing SIMS reference materials for quantifying hydrogen contents of orthopyroxene
Schmädicke, Esther
Strukturen, ionische Leitfähigkeit und atomare Diffusion in Perovskiten
Magerl, Andreas
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Ultramafic rocks in the Haskard Highlands, Northern Shackleton Range: tracer of a Ross orogenic suture zone?
Schmädicke, Esther
Wasser im ozeanischem Mantel am schnell spreizenden ostpazifischen Rücken; Infrarot-Spektroskopie an nominell wasserfreiem Orthopyroxen
Schmädicke, Esther
Water contents in nominally anhydrous minerals in oceanic peridotite
Schmädicke, Esther
Water in the sub-oceanic mantle: An infrared spectroscopic study of orthopyroxene from abyssal Atlantic and Pacific peridotite
Schmädicke, Esther
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Net zero Concretes by Carbonation and Aluminate Reaction Boosting (NO-CARBON)
Gädt, Torben
Jansen, Daniel
Lowke, Dirk
Rheology of low clinker concretes with tailored superplasticizer polymers - Control and modelling of viscosity and thixotropic structural build-up
Jansen, Daniel
Lowke, Dirk
Tailored yield stress for 3D printing using Low clinker cement - Low-Clinker-Cement-3D-Printing (LCC3D)
Neubauer, Jürgen
Stephan, Dietmar
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