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Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik
Abteilungen Astronomie und Hochenergieastrophysik
Sand 1
72076 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72076 Tübingen
Research Grants
Current projects
A new window for magnetic activity on Ultracool dwarfs: eROSITA & a synergistic multiwavelength approach
Stelzer, Beate
Exploring the gamma-ray emission processes in accreting X-ray pulsars
Ducci, Lorenzo
Non-standard atmospheres of neutron stars in Low-Mass X-ray Binaries: Thermonuclear ashes after X-ray bursts and interaction with the accretion flow
Werner, Klaus
Understanding supersoft X-ray sources with eROSITA observations
Greiner, Jochen
Werner, Klaus
Understanding the spectral evolution of hot hybrid white dwarfs
Werner, Klaus
YTTHACA: YSOs at Tübingen, Tautenburg, Hamburg & ESO – A Coordinated Analysis
Eislöffel, Jochen
Manara, Carlo Felice
Stelzer, Beate
Completed projects
1.Diffusion in heißen Weißen Zwergen, 2. Nicht-radiale Pulsationen in sdB Sternen, 3. Coordinated observation of the DBV GD358
Werner, Klaus
Accretion phenomena in binary X-ray pulsars / neutron star free precession
Staubert, Rüdiger
Analysewerkzeuge zur Stern- und Nebelspektroskopie für das German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory (GAVO)
Werner, Klaus
Assembling the pulsed puzzle of X-ray pulsars.
Doroshenko, Victor
Atmosphären und synthetische Spektren von Akkretionsscheiben
Werner, Klaus
Atmosphären und synthetische Spektren von Neutronensternen
Werner, Klaus
Carbon neutron star atmospheres
Werner, Klaus
Chemical composition of planetary debris disks around white dwarfs
Werner, Klaus
Comprehensive modelling of pulse shape formation in binary X-ray pulsars
Santangelo, Andrea
Determination of basic neutron star parameters from spectral modeling of X-ray bursters
Werner, Klaus
Die interaktiven planetarischen Nebel und ihre Zentralsterne
Rauch, Thomas
Diffusionsprozesse in Sternatmosphären
Dreizler, Stefan
Echo Mapping of X-ray Reprocessing Sites in Hercules X-1
Staubert, Rüdiger
Establishing observational constraints for post-AGB stars
Rauch, Thomas
Modelling of Aging Planetary Nebulae Interacting with the Interstellar Medium - Spatial Distribution of Nebular Matter in the Line of Sight
Werner, Klaus
Multiwavelength dark matter search
Malyshev, Denys
On Interacting Planetary Nebulae and their Exciting Stars
Werner, Klaus
On masses and ejection of planetary nebulae around PG 1159 stars
Rauch, Thomas
On masses and ejection of planetary nebulae around PG 1159 stars
Rauch, Thomas
On the Exciting Stars of Planetary Nebulae in Decay
Rauch, Thomas
Outflow Activity in the Brown Dwarf Mass Regime
Whelan, Ph.D., Emma
Photospheric metal abundances in the very hot, hydrogen-rich central stars of the planetary nebulae NGC1360 and NGC6853
Rauch, Thomas
Röntgenspektroskopie heißer weißer Zwerge mit Chandra
Werner, Klaus
Search for technetium in extremely hot evolved stars
Crespo López-Urrutia, José Ramón
Werner, Klaus
Searching for He-rich post-AGB stars in clos binaries systems
Nagel, Thorsten
Simulation of Accretion Disk Wind Spectra in Cataclysmic Variables with a 3D non-LTE Monte-Carlo Radiation Transfer Code
Werner, Klaus
Spectroscopy of helium dwarf novae in AM CVn systems
Nagel, Thorsten
Spektralanalyse heißer kompakter Sterne im fernen UV und weichen Röntgenbereich mit FUSE- und CHANDRA-Beobachtungen
Werner, Klaus
Spurenelemente als Entwicklungsindikatoren der PG 1159-Sterne
Rauch, Thomas
Thermal Emission from Isolated Neutron Stars: Theory and Observations
Werner, Klaus
Time variability of accretion, outflows and star–disk interaction in Young Stellar Objects
Stelzer, Beate
Trace elements and evolution of PG 1159 stars
Rauch, Thomas
Transition probabilities of trans-iron elements
Rauch, Thomas
Wasserstoffreiche Zentralsterne Planetarischer Nebel als Vorläufer von Weißen Zwergen und Typ la Supernovae - UV-Analysen zur Bestimmung der grundlegenden Sternparameter
Pauldrach, Adalbert Wilhelm Alois
Werner, Klaus
X-ray polarimetry and evolution of isolated neutron stars
Werner, Klaus
Zeitliche und spektrale Untersuchung galaktischer Schwarzlochkandidaten
Staubert, Rüdiger
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Supernova Remnants: TeV emission from sources of nonthermal interstellar medium energy
Pühlhofer, Gerd
Research Units
Current projects
Accreting Black Holes and Neutron Stars in the Milky Way
Santangelo, Andrea
Wilms, Jörn
FOR 2990: The eROSITA View of Stellar Endpoints (eRO-STEP)
Sasaki, Manami
Supernova Remnants in the eROSITA All-Sky Survey
Becker, Werner
Pühlhofer, Gerd
Sasaki, Manami
The evolution of Cataclysmic Variables and their contribution to the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission
Schwope, Axel
Stelzer, Beate
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Numerische Methoden für Vielelektronen-Atome in Neutronensternmagnetfeldern
(Project Heads
Werner, Klaus
Wunner, Günter
Completed projects
Populations of Astrophysical Sources
(Project Heads
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Werner, Klaus
Additional Information
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