Technische Universität München
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Informatik
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching
This institution in GERiT
85748 Garching
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Statistical Foundations of Semi-supervised Learning with Graph Neural Networks
Ghoshdastidar, Ph.D., Debarghya
Completed projects
Conflict handling and strutural change: Using social theories to build adaptive multiagent systems
Brauer, Wilfried
Qualitative Repräsentation von Bewegungsverläufen: Kognitive und Psychophysische Grundlagen
Brauer, Wilfried
Research Grants
Current projects
Active and batch Segmentation, Clustering, and seriation: toward unified foundations in AI
Carpentier, Alexandra
Ghoshdastidar, Ph.D., Debarghya
Group-by Objectives in Probabilistic Verification
Esparza, Javier
Statistical, Computational and Algorithmic Aspects of Kernel Clustering
Ghoshdastidar, Ph.D., Debarghya
Completed projects
Algorithms for Software Model Checking
Esparza, Javier
A Scalable Saturation Approach to Higher-Order Verification
Broadbent, Christopher
Esparza, Javier
Computergestützte Verifikation von Automatenkonstruktionen für Model Checking
Esparza, Javier
Nebel, Bernhard
Nipkow, Ph.D., Tobias
Game-based Synthesis for Industrial Automation
Cheng, Chih-Hong
Luttenberger, Michael
Kommunikative Erzeugung, Darstellung und Anwendungen Offener Ontologien und Offener Wissensbasen
Brauer, Wilfried
Maschinelles Lernen von formaler Kommunikation
Brauer, Wilfried
Negotiations: A Model for Tractable Concurrency.
Esparza, Javier
Polynomielle Systeme über Semiringen: Grundlagen, Algorithmen, Anwendungen
Esparza, Javier
Verified Model Checkers
Kretinsky, Ph.D., Jan
Lammich, Peter
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Formale Methoden für die Modellierung und Analyse von mobilen kontextbezogenen Systemen
(Project Head
Esparza, Javier
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2428: CONVEY - Continuous Verification of CYber-Physical Systems
Beyer, Dirk
Completed projects
GRK 267: Sensory Interaction in Biological and Technical Systems
Büttner, Ulrich
GRK 1480: Programme and Model Analysis
Seidl, Helmut