Technische Universität München
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Lehrstuhl für Robotik, Künstliche Intelligenz und Echtzeitsysteme
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching
This institution in GERiT
85748 Garching
Research Grants
Current projects
Automatic Test-Case Generation for Autonomous Vehicles
Althoff, Matthias
Formal Verification of Analog AI Hardware (FAI)
Althoff, Matthias
Hedrich, Lars
Olbrich, Markus
Pop-Up Automation of Production Processes
Althoff, Matthias
Safe-Guarding Artificial Intelligence in Power Systems
Althoff, Matthias
Safe Human-Robot Interaction Through Machine Learning and Reachability Analysis
Althoff, Matthias
Scalable Controller Synthesis with Formal Guarantees
Althoff, Matthias
Traffic-Rule-Aware Reachability Analysis for Motion Planning of Automated Vehicles
Althoff, Matthias
Completed projects
Analyse von Wirkungszusammenhängen bei der Medikamentenentwicklung
Lengauer, Thomas
Analysis und Synthesis of Robustly Controlled Smart-Grid-Systems
Althoff, Matthias
Stursberg, Olaf
Co-design of Reachability Analysis and Trajectory Planning for Collision Avoidance Systems
Althoff, Matthias
Defect formation and anode/cathode relationships in underfilm corrosion of heterogeneous aluminium alloys
Schneider, Ph.D., Oliver
Formalization and Analysis of Traffic Rules
Althoff, Matthias
Hilgendorf, Eric
Nipkow, Ph.D., Tobias
Grenzflächeneigenschaften und Lokalkorrosion photolithographisch strukturierter Al-Cu-Legierungen
Schneider, Ph.D., Oliver
Konzeptbasiertes Retrieval und Informationsfusion in heterogenen Dokumentbeständen
Knoll, Alois
Robotic aided rehabilitation of hand function using a dynamic model for complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
Burgkart, Rainer
Lenz, Alexander
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 1321: Single-Port Technology for Gastroenterological and Surgical Endoscopic Interventions
Feussner, Ph.D., Hubertus
Miniaturisierte Endeffektoren mit integrierter Sensorik und Haptik für ein Single Port-System für die minimal invasive Chirurgie
Knoll, Alois
Wörn, Heinz
Systemsteuerung eines "Single-Port" Systems für die minimal-invasive Chirurgie zur nahtlosen Einbettung in den Operationsablauf
Knoll, Alois
Wörn, Heinz
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Consistency of Data-Defined Models
(Project Heads
Althoff, Matthias
Platzer, André
Consistency of Hybrid / Continuous Models
(Project Heads
Althoff, Matthias
Platzer, André
Pretschner, Alexander
Completed projects
Automated, Robot-Assisted Handling of Limp and Deformable Objects
(Project Head
Knoll, Alois
Handlungs- und Wahrnehmungsautonomie im Zusammenspiel mit Instruktion
(Project Heads
Knoll, Alois
Zhang, Jianwei
Miniaturisierte Bildsensoren für medizinische Instrumente
(Project Head
Knoll, Alois
Multisensorunterstützte Montage von Aggregaten
(Project Heads
Knoll, Alois
Ritter, Helge
Zhang, Jianwei
Shared Control for Cooperative Tele-Manipulation in Robotic Surgery: Methods, Implementation and Evaluation
(Project Heads
Bauernschmitt, Robert
Knoll, Alois
Teilautonomie und multimodale Instruktion zum Transfer von Fertigkeiten
(Project Heads
Knoll, Alois
Schrott, Gerhard
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Autonomous research vehicle
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Data-driven process modeling in stamping technology
Althoff, Matthias
Hartmann, Christoph
Volk, Wolfram
Completed projects
Active exploration in the high-dimensional data of an artificial skin
Knoll, Alois
Strohmayr, Michael
Cooperative and Intrinsically-Correct Control of Vehicles in Diverse Environments (CoInCiDE)
Althoff, Matthias
Köster, Frank
Stursberg, Olaf
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2428: CONVEY - Continuous Verification of CYber-Physical Systems
Beyer, Dirk
Completed projects
GRK 1480: Programme and Model Analysis
Seidl, Helmut