Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Zentrum für Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen (ZMBP)
Abteilung für Pflanzenphysiologie
Auf der Morgenstelle 32
72076 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72076 Tübingen
Research Grants
Current projects
The activation path of PEP7: Understanding regulatory processes during maturation of PEP7 and in activation of the SIRK1/QSK1 receptor complex
Harter, Klaus
Schulze, Waltraud
Completed projects
Analyse der antagonistischen Funktion von FT und TFL1 sowie der Rolle von 14-3-3 Proteinen bei der Blühinduktion
Oecking, Claudia
Schmid, Markus
Analysis of 14-3-3 function and integration in signaling networks of Arabidopsis
Oecking, Claudia
Bedeutung von 14-3-3 Signalmediatoren für pflanzliche Entwicklungsprozesse
Oecking, Claudia
Ca2+/Calcineurin vermittelte Signaltransduktion in Arabidopsis
Harter, Klaus
Kudla, Jörg
Ca2+/Calcineurin vermittelte Signaltransduktion in Arabidopsis
Harter, Klaus
Deciphering RLP44-linked LRR-receptor dynamics and signalling specificity at the plasma membrane
Harter, Klaus
Wolf, Sebastian
Designer Transcription Activator Like Effector-Chromatin Affinity Purification (dTALE-ChAP) – an in planta Approach to Unravel the Protein Coverage at a Promoter of Choice
Harter, Klaus
Dynamics of functional membrane complexes associated with the plasma membrane H+-ATPase AHA2
Harter, Klaus
Schulze, Waltraud
Extrazelluläre Modulation der SERK-Korezeptoren durch GDSL Lipase-ähnliche Proteine
Harter, Klaus
Functional analysis of the Arabidopsis two-component signaling network
Harter, Klaus
Functional analysis of the Arabidopsis two-component signalling network
Harter, Klaus
Functional characterization of the two-component signaling system of Arabidopsis
Schmülling, Thomas
Functional in planta analysis of a plasma membrane-associated brassinosteroid response pathway
Harter, Klaus
H2O2-Perzeption und -Signaltransduktion: Funktion und Struktur der Arabidopsis Histidinkinase 5 (AHK5)
Harter, Klaus
Komponenten der systemischen Antwort auf abiotischen Stress in Arabidopsis thaliana
Harter, Klaus
Modulation of light signalling by the response regulator ARR4 and other two-component signalling elements
Harter, Klaus
Post-translational regulation in the Arabidopsis bZIP factor-controlled gene expression and protein-protein interaction network
Harter, Klaus
Posttranslational regulatory modules of carbon partitioning and allocation
Schulze, Waltraud
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
FACS-based in planta BiFC screening
Harter, Klaus
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central Tasks of the CRC
(Project Head
Harter, Klaus
Evolution of SERK-mediated specificity in development and immunity
(Project Head
Monte, Isabel
Regulatory impact of 14-3-3 proteins on NPH3-like protein function
(Project Head
Oecking, Claudia
SFB 1101: Molecular Encoding of Specificity in Plant Processes
Harter, Klaus
Specificities of plasma membrane-associated nanoclusters involved in cell elongation
(Project Heads
Harter, Klaus
Kummer, Ursula
Meixner, Alfred J.
Schleifenbaum, Frank
Completed projects
Biologische Funktion pflanzlicher 14-3-3-Proteine
(Project Head
Oecking, Claudia
Biologische Funktion pflanzlicher 14-3-3 Proteine
(Project Head
Oecking, Claudia
Funktion und posttranslationale Regulation von Arabidopsis bZIP Transkriptionsfaktoren
(Project Head
Harter, Klaus
H2O2 perception and signal transduction: the specific role of AHK5
(Project Heads
Harter, Klaus
Stehle, Thilo
Regulation of Arabidopsis bZIP transcription factors by phosphorylation
(Project Head
Harter, Klaus
The analysis of the antagonistic function of FT and TFL1, and the role of 14-3-3 proteins during flower induction
(Project Heads
Oecking, Claudia
Schmid, Markus