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Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Department Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Informatik 5: Mustererkennung
Martensstraße 3
91058 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91058 Erlangen
Research Grants
Current projects
Coordinated Power Grid Protection based on Machine Learning Methods
Jäger, Johann
Maier, Andreas
deepCEST: Non-invasive molecular MRI signatures from ultra-high-field to clinical translation
Zaiss, Moritz
Large-scale Automatic Calving Front Segmentation and Frontal Ablation Analysis of Arctic Glaciers using Synthetic-Aperture Radar Image Sequences
Christlein, Vincent
Seehaus, Thorsten
Recurrent neural computing controlled by adaptive noise and regulatory feedback
Krauss, Patrick
Temporally resolved 3-D retinal blood flow quantification using advanced motion correction and signal reconstruction in optical coherence tomography angiography
Maier, Andreas
Utilizing stochastic resonance phenomenons in the central auditory system for tinnitus therapy
Krauss, Patrick
Tziridis, Konstantin
´Werck der bücher’ Transitions, experimentation, and collaboration in reprographic technologies, 1440–1470
Christlein, Vincent
Weichselbaumer, Nikolaus
Zwicker Tone and Tinnitus
Schilling, Achim
Completed projects
Automatic exposure control (AEC) for CT based on neural network-driven patient-specific real-time assessment of dose distributions and minimization of the effective dose
Kachelrieß, Marc
Lell, Michael
Maier, Andreas
Automatische Analyse von Lautbildungsstörungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten (LKG)
Eysholdt, Ulrich
Communication and Language in the Empire. The Letter Books (Briefbücher) of Nuremberg in the 15th Century: Automatic Handwriting Recognition - Historical and Linguistic Analysis
Fleischmann, Peter
Habermann, Mechthild
Herbers, Klaus
Maier, Andreas
Consistency Conditions for Artifact Reduction in Cone-beam CT
Maier, Andreas
Control of speech and nonspeech respiratory, phonatory and oral movements: clinical studies
Ziegler, Wolfram
Deep Animal Linguistic Analysis (DALA) – Decoding animal communication using a hybrid approach between bioacoustics and machine learning
Hofer, Heribert
Maier, Andreas
Erfassung von Schläfrigkeit in funkverkehrgestützter Kommunikation: Sprachsignal-gestützte Mustererkennungsanalyse phonetisch-linguistischer Merkmale zum Aufbau eines automatisierten Schläfrigkeits-Detektionssystems
Krajewski, Jarek
Nöth, Elmar
Helical 3-D X-ray Dark-field Imaging
Anton, Gisela
Maier, Andreas
Implementation of neural nets for the recognition of soil slips
Moser, Michael
Improved characterization of failure behaviours of sheet metals based on pattern recognition methods
Maier, Andreas
Merklein, Marion
Joint Iterative Reconstruction and Motion Compensation for Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography
Maier, Andreas
Optical Biopsy for Tissue Diagnostics of Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the Upper Aerodigestive Tract using Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy Imaging
Goncalves, Miguel
Maier, Andreas
Oetter, Nicolai
Stelzle, Florian Dominik
Quantitative diagnostic dual energy CT with atlas-based prior knowledge
Kachelrieß, Marc
Lell, Michael
Maier, Andreas
Strategie und Aktion als Lernziel der visuellen Exploration
Niemann, Heinrich
The microstructure of cortical activity during sleep: Development of an objective, automatic procedure for sleep stage classification
Schulze, Holger
Traxdorf, Maximilian Thomas
Tinnitus and Stochastic Resonance
Krauss, Patrick
Towards Standards for Three-dimensional Non-invasive Digitisation of Manuscripts
Funk, Stefan
Hausotte, Tino
Maier, Andreas
Schür, Jan
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Data analysis and machine learning for heterogeneous, cross-species data
(Project Heads
Breininger, Katharina
Maier, Andreas
Completed projects
Analyse, Modellierung und Vearbeitung von Lichtfeldern zur Gewinnung realistischer Modelldaten
(Project Heads
Denzler, Joachim
Greiner, Günther
Niemann, Heinrich
Interaktives System zur Rehabilitätion von atienten mit Gesichtslähmungen
(Project Heads
Niemann, Heinrich
Paulus, Dietrich
Wolf, Stefan R.
Optimierungsansatz für die Integration von Kamerabildern bei der Klassifikation
(Project Heads
Denzler, Joachim
Niemann, Heinrich
Rechnergestützte Endoskopie des Bauchraums
(Project Heads
Greiner, Günther
Hohenberger, Werner
Niemann, Heinrich
Schick, Christoph
Sensor- und modellgestützte Optimierung von Prozeßketten
(Project Heads
Denzler, Joachim
Niemann, Heinrich
SFB 603: Modal-Based Analysis and Visualization of Complex Scenes and Sensor Data
Greiner, Günther
Niemann, Heinrich
Zentrale Dienste
(Project Head
Niemann, Heinrich
Research data and software
Completed projects
Development of a Repository for OCR Models and an Automatic Font Recognition tool OCR-D
Burghardt, Manuel
Maier, Andreas
Weichselbaumer, Nikolaus
Font Group Recognition for Improved OCR
Christlein, Vincent
Weichselbaumer, Nikolaus
Research Units
Current projects
Data science and pattern recognition
Breininger, Katharina
Maier, Andreas
FOR 5534: Fast Mapping of Quantitative MR-biosignatures at Ultra-high Magnetic Field
Nagel, Ph.D., Armin
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2839: Dimensions of Constructional Space
Dabrowska, Ewa
Completed projects
GRK 244: 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis
Greiner, Günther
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
High-resolution X-ray microscopy for correlative tomography, fast screening and in situ mechanical testing of structural and functional materials
Spiecker, Erdmann
Additional Information
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