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Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Technische Fakultät
Department Informatik
Martensstraße 3
91058 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91058 Erlangen
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Venia legendi: Informatik
Kohlhase, Michael
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
ALMANAC: Argumentation Logics Manager & Argument Context Graph
Kohlhase, Michael
Dual-Phase Steels - From Micro to Macro Properties (EXASTEEL-2)
Balzani, Daniel
Klawonn, Axel
Rheinbach, Oliver
Schröder, Jörg
Wellein, Gerhard
ESSEX II: Equipping Sparse Solvers for Exascale II
Basermann, Achim
Fehske, Holger
Hager, Georg
Lang, Bruno
Wellein, Gerhard
Methodik und Werkzeuge zur Entwicklung optimierter Echtzeitsysteme im Kontext von SDL/MSC und VHDL
Herzog, Ulrich
Research Grants
Current projects
Creating User-Led Open-Source Consortia
Riehle, Dirk
End-to-End Optimization for Energy-Driven Scientific Visualization
Günther, Tobias
Industry Best Practices for Microservice Integration
Riehle, Dirk
Inner source platform development
Riehle, Dirk
Password-hardened Encryption
Schröder, Dominique
Completed projects
Automatische Verifikation von Qualitätsmerkmalen verteilter Systeme
Herzog, Ulrich
Best Practices for Managing Open Source Communities
Riehle, Dirk
Bridging scales - from Quantum Mechanics to Continuum Mechanics. A Finite Element approach.
Davydov, Ph.D., Denis
Developing and Applying a Sound Security Framework for Sensor Networks
Armknecht, Frederik
Benenson, Zinaida
Developing methods and tools for interfacing logics and proof systems used in automated reasoning, mathematics and software engineering
Kohlhase, Michael
Mossakowski, Till
Domain Modeling Using Qualitative Data Analysis
Riehle, Dirk
Effiziente Leistungsbewertung mit Hilfe von Entscheidungsdiagrammen
Herzog, Ulrich
Entwicklung von Methoden und Werkzeugen zur semantischen Aufwertung von Tabellenkalkulation
Hutter, Dieter
Kohlhase, Michael
Formal Methods and Semantic Technologies for Engineering Design Processes
Kohlhase, Michael
Schröder, Lutz
Gleichheitsbeweisen höherer Stufe
Siekmann, Jörg H.
Management Accounting for Inner Source
Riehle, Dirk
OAF: An Open Archive of Formalizations
Kohlhase, Michael
Rabe, Florian
Ontology-Driven Management of Change
Hutter, Dieter
Kohlhase, Michael
Process-Oriented Performance Engineering Service Infrastructure for Scientific Software at German HPC Centers
Müller, Matthias S.
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Wellein, Gerhard
Requirements Specification using Qualitative Data Analysis
Riehle, Dirk
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
3-D-Akquisition komplexer Hohlräume mit flexiblen Endoskopen
(Project Heads
Gerhäuser, Heinz
Häusler, Gerd
Wittenberg, Thomas
AGINT: Ressourcenadaptive kognitive Agenten in zwei Szenarien
(Project Heads
Jameson, Anthony
Kohlhase, Michael
Tack, Werner H.
Automated multi-dimensional, high-content image-analysis for fluorescence-microscopy
(Project Head
Wittenberg, Thomas
OMEGA, ein mathematisches Assistenzsystem
(Project Heads
Kohlhase, Michael
Melis, Erica
Siekmann, Jörg H.
Privacy-Preserving Cloud Storage
(Project Heads
Backes, Michael
Maffei, Ph.D., Matteo
Schröder, Dominique
Current projects
Data management, Bioinformatics and Imaging Platform
(Project Heads
Bäuerle, Tobias
Ferrazzi, Fulvia
Spang, Rainer
Wittenberg, Thomas
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2475: Cybercrime and Forensic Computing
Freiling, Felix
Completed projects
GRK 633: Interdisciplinary Design of Dependable Multi-Technology Systems
Dal Cin, Mario
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
MaRDI - Mathematical Research Data Initiative
Hintermüller, Michael
Additional Information
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