Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie
Martinistraße 52
20251 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20251 Hamburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Association between periodontitis, brain structure integrity and cognitive functions: Insights from multimodal phenotyping (PAROMIND)
Aarabi, Ghazal
Cheng, Bastian
Catheter Ablation for Rhythm Control and The Impact on Cerebral Blood Flow, structural and functional brain connectivity and cognitive performance in patients with persistent Atrial Fibrillation (ARCTIC-CBF)
Rillig, Andreas
Thomalla, Götz
Evaluation of cortico-cerebellar network properties as biomarkers for the responsiveness to cortico-cerebellar brain stimulation in stroke patients
Schulz, Robert
Investigating the role of the ATP-P2X7 axis in the development and progression of T cell-driven cerebral vasculitis
Rissiek, Bjoern
Completed projects
Deletion durch ausgedehnte Homozygotie, ein neuer Mechanismus für den Allelverlust bei der Tumorentstehung? - Große NF1 Deletionen als Modell
Kehrer-Sawatzki, Hildegard
Mautner, Victor-Felix
Einfluss der CEACAM1-Expression auf Geweberegeneration nach ischämischem Schlaganfall in der Maus
Horst, Andrea Kristina
Entwicklung neuronaler Repräsentationen nach Schlaganfall: Interaktion zwischen intakter und geschädigter Hemisphäre
Gerloff, Christian
Große Deletion des NF1-Gens bei Neurofibromatose Typ 1: Frequenz, Ausmaß und klinische Relevanz
Friedrich, Reinhard E.
Impact of food patterns on brain perfusion, brain structure, and cognitive function in healthy elderly people
Thomalla, Götz
Zyriax, Birgit-Christiane
Multimodal investigation of cerebello-thalamo-cortical connectivity in cervical dystonia
Zittel, Simone
Periodontitis as risk factor of cerebral small vessel disease and silent stroke
Aarabi, Ghazal
Thomalla, Götz
Physiologie und Pathophysiologie Arginin-Glyzin-Amidinotransferase (AGAT)-defizienter Mäuse
Choe, Chi-un
Neu, Axel
Tierexperimentelle und klinische Untersuchungen zur T2'-Bildgebung beim ischämischen Schlaganfall
Fiehler, Jens
Clinical Trials
Current projects
Early treatment of Atrial fibrillation for Stroke prevention Trial in acute STROKE (EAST-STROKE)
Kirchhof, Paulus
Thomalla, Götz
Completed projects
NETS TRIAL: Neuroregeneration enhanced by TDCS in stroke
Gerloff, Christian
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Antibodies and nanobodies for adenine nucleotide research
(Project Heads
Haag, Friedrich
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
Rissiek, Bjoern
Humanizing purinergic signaling at the murine blood-brain barrier in
(Project Heads
Körbelin, Jakob
Magnus, Tim
Tolosa, Eva
Completed projects
Cognitive and motor networks as a basis of mobility in patients with Parkinson´s disease
(Project Heads
Moll, Christian Karl Eberhard
Pötter-Nerger, Monika
Encoding of kinematics and effector choice in reorganized brain networks after stroke
(Project Head
Gerloff, Christian
Integrated research training group
(Project Heads
Engel, Andreas K.
Gerloff, Christian
Remodeling nach subkortikalem Schlaganfall: Funktionelle Rolle der intakten Hemisphäre und Bedeutung inhibitorischer Kontrolle
(Project Heads
Dichgans, Johannes
Gerloff, Christian
Structural determinants of disturbed evidence accumulation in cortical decision networks after stroke
(Project Heads
Cheng, Bastian
Fiehler, Jens
Thomalla, Götz
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Longitudinal changes of structural and functional connectivity in multiple sclerosis in a natural history cohort and during an exercise trial
Stellmann, Jan-Patrick
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Machine-learning on brain connectomics: Individual prediction of cognitive functioning in health and cerebral small vessel disease
Eickhoff, Simon
Thomalla, Götz
Microglial-neuronal interaction in the recovery phase of cerebral ischemia
Magnus, Tim
Oertner, Thomas
Completed projects
Connectome based modelling to reveal multi-scale mechanisms in stroke
Gerloff, Christian
Ritter, Petra
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2879: ImmunoStroke: From immune cells to stroke recovery
Liesz, Arthur
ImmunoStroke: From Immune Cells to Stroke Recovery Linking functional immune profiles and ischemic lesion characteristics in human stroke
Klotz, Luisa
Thomalla, Götz
Tolosa, Eva
Wiendl, Heinz
ImmunoStroke: From Immune Cells to Stroke Recovery The role of gasdermin D in ischemic stroke
Koch-Nolte, Friedrich
Magnus, Tim
ImmunoStroke: Microglial responses controlling post-stroke angiogenesis and microvascular integrity
Gunzer, Matthias
Hermann, Dirk M.
Ludewig, Peter
Mechanisms of microglia-induced circuit remodeling in post-stroke recovery
Liesz, Arthur
Magnus, Tim
Misgeld, Thomas
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s disease: Utilising Virtual Reality, functional MRI and Local Field Potentials to identify the neural correlates of cueing
Gülke, Eileen
Completed projects
Crossmodal learning in health and neurological disease: neurocomputational representation and therapeutic application
(Project Heads
Gerloff, Christian
Hummel, Friedhelm Christoph
Xue, Gui