Technische Universität München (TUM)
Lehrstuhl für Restaurierung, Kunsttechnologie
und Konservierungswissenschaften
Oettingenstraße 15
80538 München
This institution in GERiT
80538 München
Research Grants
Current projects
Development of a methodology for non-destructive studies of wall paintings in situ: The palimpsest of the Magdalen Chapel of St. Emmeram, Regensburg
Sessa, Ph.D., Clarimma
Materiality and Color: A critical revision of research methods in conservation-restoration and material science of "Berlin Modernism Housing Estates" – past, present and future.
Danzl, Thomas
Herm, Christoph
Completed projects
Building Archaeology at the Ruin of the Benedictine Abbey of Limburg an der Haardt
Jelschewski, Dominik
Die farbige Fassung von Skulpturen und Altarretabeln des Barock und Rokoko
Emmerling, Erwin
The polychrome wooden sculptures of the Jesuit reductions in Paracuaria, 1609 -1767 Art Technological investigation with regards to the contribution of German Jesuits
Emmerling, Erwin
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Hyperspectral imaging system
Core Facilities
Current projects
insiTUMlab. Analytical infrastructure for non-destructive in-situ studies of Cultural Heritage
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
“Last Witnesses” – physical models in civil engineering – scientific meaning and conservation
Möller, Eberhard
Putz, Andreas
Weber, Christiane