Universitätsklinikum Würzburg
Zentrum Innere Medizin
Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I
Schwerpunkt Endokrinologie und Diabetologie
Oberdürrbacher Straße 6
97080 Würzburg
This institution in GERiT
97080 Würzburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Deciphering the molecular pathogenesis of Cushing's disease
Fassnacht, Martin
Popov, Nikita
Sbiera, Ph.D., Silviu
Impact of incretin-based therapeutic strategies for obesity and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
Dischinger, Ulrich
Sequeira, Vasco
Understanding of InterOrgan Networks in Cardiac and Vascular Diseases (UNION-CVD)
Hahner, Stefanie
Completed projects
3. Nachwuchsakademie "Klinische Studien"
Wanner, Christoph
At the interface between endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria: inhibition of SOAT1 as new treatment strategy against adrenocortical carcinoma
Fassnacht, Martin
Kroiß, Ph.D., Matthias
Combined peptide receptor cytotoxic/radionuclide therapy for the treatment of metastatic pheochromocytoma
Pietzsch, Jens
Ziegler, Ph.D., Christian G.
Evaluation of the molecular pathogenesis of adrenocortical tumors by functional genomics
Conrad, Thomas
Fassnacht, Martin
Ronchi, Ph.D., Cristina
Molecular mechanisms of ANP/cGMP-dependent inhibition of aldosterone production in adrenal gland
Walter, Ulrich
Posttranslationelle Regulation der DHEA-Biosynthese durch Interaktionsproteine des humanen P450c17-Enzyms
Allolio, Bruno
Pro-Gamma-MSH und adrenale Mitogenese
Allolio, Bruno
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Etablierung einer Immuntherapie mit Dendritischen Zellen beim Nebennierenrindenkarzinom
Fassnacht, Martin
Insulin-sensitivity in transgenic mice expressing human catalase in mitochondria
Weismann, Dirk Thorsten
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Charakterisierung der tumorinduzierten Immunsuppression beim Glukokortikoid-sezernierenden Nebennierenrindenkarzinom
Fassnacht, Martin
Clinical Trials
Completed projects
Combined 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and 123l-lodometomidate (123l-IMTO) Imaging for Adrenal Neoplasia (Acronym: FAMIAN)
Hahner, Stefanie
Current projects
Analytical platform
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Alves, Tiago
Bidlingmaier, Martin
Kurlbaum, Max
Peitzsch, Mirko
Walch, Axel Karl
Genetic and environmental contributors to vascular function in primary aldosteronism
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Fuß, Carmina Teresa
Hahner, Stefanie
Reincke, Martin
Schirbel, Andreas
Infrastructure for adrenal research
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Beuschlein, Felix
Eisenhofer, Ph.D., Graeme
Fassnacht, Martin
Müller-Pfefferkorn, Ralph
Reisch, Nicole
Patient cohorts and biobanks
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Eisenhofer, Ph.D., Graeme
Fassnacht, Martin
Pamporaki, Ph.D., Christina
Reincke, Martin
Steroid hormones and cancer immunity – learning from adrenocortical carcinoma
(Project Heads
Fassnacht, Martin
Kroiß, Ph.D., Matthias
Targeting radio- and chemo-resistance in metastatic phaeochromocytoma/ paraganglioma
(Project Heads
Pietzsch, Jens
Richter, Ph.D., Susan
Ziegler, Ph.D., Christian G.