Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften
Fachrichtung Angewandte Geographie,
Umwelthydrologie und Ressourcenmanagement
Malteserstraße 74-100
12249 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
12249 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
A green corridor between Namib Desert and Kalahari? A phylogeographic view on the southwestern African climate during the Last Glacial Maximum
Albrecht, Christian
Hartmann, Kai
Riedel, Frank
Completed projects
Einfluß des prä- bis postkommunistischen Landschaftswandels auf die Sedimentdynamik im Einzugsgebiet des Mladoticer Sees in West-Tschechien
Schulte, Achim
Morphodynamics in the Jieze Caka Basin, western Tibet, China
Wünnemann, Bernd
Reconstruction of a paleo-lakesystem at UNESCO World Heritage Site Tsodilo Hills, Kalahari, Botswana: MIS3 and MIS2 ecosystem dynamics, climate, weather and environmental variations derived from sedimentation processes and bio-indicators
Hartmann, Kai
Riedel, Frank
Testing of climate simulations for the highlands of Lesotho (southern Africa) during the Last Glacial Maximum with proxy-data from phylogeography, geomorphology and palaeobiological isotope geochemistry
Albrecht, Christian
Riedel, Frank
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5288: Fast and invisible: Conquering Subsurface Stormflow through an Interdisciplinary Multi-Site Approach
Chifflard, Peter
SSF Model Benchmarking: Towards a robust parameterization of subsurface stormflow in hydrological models at the catchment scale
Hartmann, Andreas
Reinhardt-Imjela, Christian
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Landscape and Lake-System Response to Late Quaternary Monsoon Dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau - Northern Transect -
Diekmann, Bernhard
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Wünnemann, Bernd