Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie
Institut für Biologie
Königin-Luise-Straße 1-3
14195 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
14195 Berlin
Research Units
Current projects
Autophagic regulation of synapse formation and maintenance
Hiesinger, Peter Robin
Comparative Quantitative Image Acquisition, Analysis and Modeling
Baum, Daniel
Hiesinger, Peter Robin
Von Kleist, Ph.D., Max
Coordination Funds
Hiesinger, Peter Robin
Decomposing virulence: host, pathogen, and microbiota contributions
Armitage, Sophie
FOR 2705: Dissection of a Brain Circuit: Structure, Plasticity and Behavioral Function of the Drosophila mushroom body
Fiala, André
FOR 5026: Integrating insect immunity, microbiota and pathogens
Rolff, Jens
FOR 5228: Membrane trafficking processes underlying presynaptic proteostasis
Kreutz, Michael R.
FOR 5289: From Imprecision to Robustness in Neural Circuit Assembly
Hiesinger, Peter Robin
From imprecise synapse seeding to robust synapse formation by stabilization mechanisms of early molecular scaffolds
Petzoldt, Astrid G.
Sigrist, Stephan J.
In vivo evolution of pathogen virulence; host immunity, microbiota, and pathogen interactions
Keshavarz, Ph.D., Maryam
Non-cell autonomous regulation of synaptic upscaling by neuronal autophagy
Maglione, Ph.D., Marta
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Presynaptic plasticity in the control of mushroom body memory formation
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Robust axonal branch patterning through stochastic filopodial dynamics
Hiesinger, Peter Robin
The evolution of symbiont, pathogen and immune system interactions in Blattodea
McMahon, Dino
Completed projects
Monoamine secretion and synaptic modulation during olfactory conditioning in Drosophila
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Project FAUNA: Influence of soil animals on organic matter transformation and structural properties of urban soil.
Weigmann, Gerd
Research Grants
Current projects
Autophagy-Enhancers to reduce sleep disturbances: a combined approach
Flöel, Agnes
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Enabling Identification and Impact of Synaptic Weight in Functional Networks
Brose, Nils
Fernandez Busnadiego, Ruben
Haucke, Ph.D., Volker
Helmstaedter, Moritz
Rizzoli, Ph.D., Silvio-Olivier
Rosenmund, Christian
Schuman, Erin M.
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Gene regulation of aggression and courtship
Küpper, Clemens
Nowick, Katja
Neuronal Interaction Dynamics During Neural Circuit Assembly - A live imaging and computational modeling approach for the Drosophila brain
Hiesinger, Peter Robin
Von Kleist, Ph.D., Max
Resistance versus tolerance: an evolutionary physiology approach
Armitage, Sophie
Completed projects
Active zone core proteins in interaction with synaptic Ca2+ channels
Sigrist, Stephan J.
A Drosophila Grip-Homologue in synaptic development and plasticity: an integrative study
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Genomic innovations underlying the evolution of termite sociality
Harrison, Mark C.
McMahon, Dino
Glutamate receptor field dynamics
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Mechanisms of host plant induced plasticity of cuticular hydrocarbon phenotypes in mustard leaf beetles
Geiselhardt, Sven
Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Neural Superposition in Drosophila
Hiesinger, Peter Robin
Molecular determinants of brain size and cognitive performance
Nowick, Katja
Nanoscale cellular and molecular fingerprints of synaptic diversity
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Single cell transcriptomics to investigate monoallelic expression as a potential trigger of Alzheimer’s disease
Nowick, Katja
Struktur-Funktions Analyse der aktiven Zone in Drosophila
Sigrist, Stephan J.
The molecular mechanisms of aminergic release at “en-passent” type II synaptic terminals of the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster).
Pflüger, Hans-Joachim
The role of hypusination-dependent translation for brain aging
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Untersuchungen zu Struktur, Funktion und phylogenetischer Verbreitung des Drosophila-Pipsquek-Proteins und seiner DNA-Bindungsdomäne
Lehmann, Michael
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Dynamics of chromosome evolution in termites: Inbreeding, novel chromosomal translocations and sociality
Huylmans, Ann Kathrin
McMahon, Dino
Recurring phenotypic loss: Repeatability of genome and regulatory evolution
Colgan, Ph.D., Thomas Joseph
Nowick, Katja
Stolle, Eckart
Wipfler, Benjamin
The significance of saprobic fungi for energy and matter turnover under varying substrate conditions - from individuals to soils
Camenzind, Tessa
Completed projects
Does topography matter? Predicting odor response maps and inhibitory interactions between glomeruli for the dorsal olfactory bulb.
Schmuker, Michael
Spors, Hartwig
Host Immune Strategies: Remembering, Resisting, Tolerating, and Being Specific
Armitage, Sophie
Identification and characterization of genes encoding proteins with polar expression in different Drosophila cells
Klämbt, Christian
Long Non-Coding RNAs in Primate Brain Evolution
Nowick, Katja
Stadler, Peter Florian
The evolutionary mechanisms optimizing neural circuit structure and function for skylight navigation across insect species
Nowick, Katja
Wernet, Mathias
The role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors for the development of auditory brainstem circuits involved in temporal processing of sounds
Koch, Ursula
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Developmental evolution of sex-specific mechanisms underlying the Retinoblastoma pathway in the control of gametic cell fate and differentiation in plants
Johnston, Amal J.
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Resistance versus tolerance: an evolutionary physiology approach
Armitage, Sophie
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
Resistance versus tolerance – an evolutionary physiology approach
Armitage, Sophie
WBP Position
Current projects
Cocktails and low concentrations; effects of antimicrobial peptide combinations on bacterial resistance
Murphy, Ph.D., Ronan
The way of the sprig: axo-dendritic morphogenesis in the Drosophila visual system
Wolterhoff, Neele
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Homeostatic presynaptic plasticity in memory consolidation and sleep of the aging brain
(Project Head
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Lipid-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction in HFpEF during obesity
(Project Heads
Kintscher, Ulrich
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Completed projects
Active Zone Protein Transport and Autism
(Project Head
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Auditory processing deficits in autism: auditory brainstem disturbances and the role of neuroligin-3
(Project Head
Koch, Ursula
Bedeutung des Drosophila GRIP-Homologen für Entwicklung und Plastizität der neuromuskulären Synapse
(Project Head
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Central Tasks-SFB Headquarters and Administration
(Project Heads
Haucke, Ph.D., Volker
Sigrist, Stephan J.
"Closing the cycle": Sub-modules in synaptic vesicle membrane targeting, fusion and endocytosis
(Project Head
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Functional adjustment of neural circuits: Tonotopic gradients of timeprocessing auditory brainstem neurons
(Project Heads
Koch, Ursula
Leibold, Christian
Glutamate receptor trafficking in the integration of short- and long-term synaptic plasticity
(Project Heads
Herzel, Hanspeter
Sigrist, Stephan J.
In vivo analysis of active zone assembly
(Project Heads
Petzoldt, Astrid G.
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Mechanismen der Akkumulation von Ca2+-Kanälen an aktiven Zonen
(Project Head
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Organization of the synaptic active zone scaffold by Bruchpilot and RIM-binding protein
(Project Heads
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Wahl, Markus C.
Protein scaffolds in synaptic endomembrane degradation
(Project Head
Hiesinger, Peter Robin
SFB 958: Scaffolding of Membranes: Molecular Mechanisms and Cellular Functions
Haucke, Ph.D., Volker
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Synaptische Veränderungen und olfaktorisches Lernen von Drosophila melanogaster
(Project Head
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Der Einfluss multipler Prädatoren - phänotypische Integration von plastischem prädations-vermeidendem Verhalten, Morphologie und Lebensgeschichte
Mikolajewski, Dirk Johannes
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Konfokales Laserscanning Mikroskop
STED Konfokalmikroskop
Scientific Networks
Current projects
Comparative urban ecology: developing methods to assess urban social-ecological networks across realms and regions
Straka, Tanja
Current projects
High resolution analysis of active zone cytomatrix remodeling
(Project Heads
Paulino, Cristina
Schultz, Carsten
Sigrist, Stephan J.
Walter, Alexander
Completed projects
Acute control of intracellular trafficking through Rab GTPases in living tissues in Drosophila
(Project Heads
Boutros, Michael
Hiesinger, Peter Robin
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 837: Functional Insect Science
Walz, Bernd
GRK 1123: Cellular Mechanisms of Learning and Memory Consolidation in the Hippocampal Formation
Schmitz, Dietmar
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Lattice Light Sheet Microscope (LLSM)
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2049: NeuroCure
Dirnagl, Ulrich
Schmitz, Dietmar