HeBIS Hessisches Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem
c/o Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Bockenheimer Landstraße 134-138
60325 Frankfurt am Main
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
AMAD - Archivum Medii Aevi Digitale. Repository and science blog for Medieval Studies
Burkhardt, Julia
Kuczera, Andreas
Risch, Uwe
Research data and software
Completed projects
Cloud-based infrastructure for library data (CIB)
Ceynowa, Klaus
Koch, Thorsten
Schnelling, Heiner
Research Infrastructure for Financial Data (FiF)
Poth, Daniela
Walz, Uwe
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Current projects
Digitisation of historical newspapers in Hesse
Grabka, Marion
Poth, Daniela
Reuter, Peter
Schütte, Jana Madlen
Wolff-Wölk, Andrea
Completed projects
Digitization of historical newspapers of record
Grabka, Marion
Poth, Daniela
Reuter, Peter
Riethmüller, Marianne
Wolff-Wölk, Andrea