Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Julius-von-Sachs-Institut für Biowissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Pharmazeutische Biologie
Julius-von-Sachs-Platz 2
97082 Würzburg
This institution in GERiT
97082 Würzburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Elucidating the functional role of trehalose 6-phosphate in thermotolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana
Maag, Daniel
Elucidating the impact of the central metabolic kinase SnRK1 and its downstream en-zymes and transcription factors in controlling the phase transition from heterotrophy to autotrophy during Arabidopsis seedling establishment
Dröge-Laser, Wolfgang
Metabolic feedback signals controlling transcription: exploring pathogen induced biosynthesis of indole-glucosinolates as a prototypic model
Dröge-Laser, Wolfgang
Plasticity of metabolic pathways – Investigating a novel biosynthetic step in the formation of 2-phenylnitroethane in the Salicaceae
Lackus, Nathalie
Translational control of pathogen-regulated gene expression in the Arabidopsis root: global and gene-specific approaches
Dröge-Laser, Wolfgang
Completed projects
Analyse pflanzlicher bZIP-Transkriptionsfaktoren: Wie regulieren Heterodimere die Transkription von Zielgenen?
Dröge-Laser, Wolfgang
Combinatorial control of gene expression by heterodimers of the group C/S1 bZIP transcription factor network
Dröge-Laser, Wolfgang
Endophytes and invasive plants: How do endophytic fungi affect the growth, environmental tolerance and competitive success of invasive knotweed?
Bossdorf, Oliver
Functional characterization of sphingobase metabolism and the role of sphingobases in plant programmed cell death
Waller, Frank
Funktionelle Charakterisierung der Protein-Protein-Interaktion des "ankyrin-repeat"-Proteins ANK1 und des bZIP-Transkriptionsfaktors BZI-1 im Rahmen der pflanzlichen Pathogenantwort
Dröge-Laser, Wolfgang
Genome-wide analysis of the cell-layer specific expression of pathogen-induced genes in the Arabidopsis root
Dröge-Laser, Wolfgang
Molecular tools for studying the Arabidopsis transcription factor ORFeome
Dröge-Laser, Wolfgang
Regulation and function of Arabidopsis UMAMIT amino acid transport facilitators in response to dark-induced energy starvation
Dröge-Laser, Wolfgang
Signaling of reactive oxylipins in plants
Berger, Susanne
Synergistic control of auxin mediated transcription by ARF and C/S1 bZIP transcription factors
Dröge-Laser, Wolfgang
Unravelling the transcription factor network controlling the biosynthesis of tryptophan-derived antimicrobial compounds in Arabidopsis roots and shoots
Dröge-Laser, Wolfgang
Research Units
Completed projects
Screens to identify genes and mutants determining Verticillium - Arabidopsis interaction
Dröge-Laser, Wolfgang
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Mutanten in Pathogen- und Jasmonat-Signaltransduktionswegen in Pflanzen
Berger, Susanne
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Funktion von enzymatisch und nicht-enzymatisch gebildeten Oxylipinen in Pflanze-Pathogen-Interaktionen
(Project Heads
Berger, Susanne
Müller, Martin J.
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 242: Molecular Genetics of Development
Pieler, Tomas
GRK 1342: Molecular and Functional Analysis of Lipid-based Signal Transduction Systems
Müller, Martin J.