Universität Potsdam
Institut für Chemie
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Chemie
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24-25
14476 Potsdam
This institution in GERiT
14476 Potsdam
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Ab initio correlated electron dynamics with the Multi-Configuration (explicity) Time- Dependent Hartree-Fock method
Saalfrank, Peter
Dissipative Quantendynamik photochemischer Elementarprozesse an Festkörperoberflächen
Manz, Jörn
Grundzustandsdynamik von Atomen und Molekülen an nicht-rigiden Oberflächen
Manz, Jörn
ILPIN: Ionic Liquid Precursors for Multicomponent Inorganic Nanomaterials
Saalfrank, Peter
Taubert, Andreas
Wedel, Armin
Quantentheorie zur Laserfemtochemie an metallischen Oberflächen und Filmen
Saalfrank, Peter
Research Grants
Current projects
An ab initio molecular dynamics and correlation function approach to dissipative adsorbate vibrational spectroscopy
Saalfrank, Peter
Probing thionucleobase dynamics at the sulfur L-edge
Gühr, Markus
Saalfrank, Peter
Quantifying exciton localization and isomerization efficiency in aggregates of molecular switches
Titov, Evgenii
Symmetry-projected quantum-chemical methods for magnetic molecules
Ghassemi Tabrizi, Shadan
Completed projects
Beschreibung der korrelierten Dynamik von Mehrelektronensystemen mit Hilfe einer Multikonfigurationsentwicklung von elektronischen Dichtematrizen
Nest, Mathias
Chirale Erkennung und Reaktionskontrolle durch ultrakurze elliptisch polarisierte Laserpulse
Kröner, Dominik
Innovations in atomic manipulation with the STM: Chlorobenzene on Si(111) 7x7
Klamroth, Tillmann
Laser-driven electron dynamics in molecules
Klamroth, Tillmann
Saalfrank, Peter
Lasergetriebene Manipulation von Adsorbaten auf nicht-rigiden Oberflächen: H:Si als Modellsystem
Saalfrank, Peter
Multi-Exciton Dynamics in Molecular Nano-Hybrid Systems
Klamroth, Tillmann
Quantentheorie zur Laserpulskontrolle chiraler molekularer Schalter und Rotoren an Oberflächen
Kröner, Dominik
Quantum Dynamics at Novel Types of Conical Intersections
Bouakline, Foudhil
Reduced and full system-bath quantum dynamics of IR-driven adsorbate vibrations
Saalfrank, Peter
Theoretical description of a novel dye-sensitized solar cell
Saalfrank, Peter
Theory of electronic friction of adsorbates at metal surfaces: Methods and applications
Saalfrank, Peter
Towards an understanding of the surface photocatalytic decomposition of H2O: Electronic structure and femtosecond electron dynamics
Wolf, Martin
Towards an understanding of the surface photocatalytic decomposition of H2O: Electronic structure and femtosecond electron dynamics
Saalfrank, Peter
Research Units
Completed projects
Central project
Möller, Thomas
Excited State Properties and Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Nanoparticles
Saalfrank, Peter
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Bond activation and molecular dynamics on metal nanoparticles derived from X-ray spectroscopy
(Project Heads
Föhlisch, Alexander
Gühr, Markus
Saalfrank, Peter
Light-induced atomic-scale surface reactivity
(Project Heads
Hoffmann-Vogel, Regina
Klamroth, Tillmann
Mechanisms of photochemical reactions at metallic nanoparticles
(Project Heads
Hecht, Stefan
Titov, Evgenii
Understanding and controlling reactivity under vibrational and electronic strong coupling: Theoretical modelling
(Project Heads
Anders, Janet
Saalfrank, Peter
Completed projects
Optical Control and Spectroscopy of dissipative Processes at Surfaces
(Project Heads
Nest, Mathias
Saalfrank, Peter
Quantum theory for light- and electron-driven molecular switches at surfaces: structure and dynamics
(Project Heads
Klamroth, Tillmann
Saalfrank, Peter
Understanding water structure and reactivity at aluminium oxide surfaces using nonlinear vibra-tional spectroscopy and theory
(Project Heads
Campen, Ph.D., Richard Kramer
Saalfrank, Peter