Brandenburgische Technische Universität
Cottbus - Senftenberg
Fakultät 6: Architektur, Bauingenieurwesen und Stadtplanung
Fachgebiet Baugeschichte
Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 8
03046 Cottbus
This institution in GERiT
03046 Cottbus
Research Grants
Current projects
Material, Construction, Design The substructure of design and aspects of the ‘polytechnic’ in the architecture of Heinrich Hübsch between 1820 and 1860
Roos, Dorothea
The architecture and building history of assembly hall 1/F1 at Peenemünde: A contribution to the archaeological investigation of contaminated heritage sites
Röhl, Constanze
Schneider, Peter Irenäus
The Evolution of the City Centre of Petra (Jordan) from the Hellenistic to the Byzantine Period
Druzynski von Boetticher, Alexandra
Schmid, Stephan G.
Completed projects
Architectural Sculpture of the 13th Century in Santiago de Compostela
Wunderwald, Anke
Assembling Iran’s Urban Heritage Conservation Policy and Practice: Problematised in Tehran
Yadollahi, Ph.D., Solmaz
Die Entwicklung der Stadt Baalbek (Libanon) vom 4. Jt. v.Chr. bis zur Neuzeit
van Ess, Margarete
Rheidt, Klaus
Die Königspyramiden von Meroe und J. Barkal, Architektur und Baugeschichte
Rheidt, Klaus
Die Michaelskirsche in Germia (Galatien, Türkei). Ein kaiserlicher Wallfahrtsort und sein provinzielles Umfeld
Niewöhner, Philipp
Rheidt, Klaus
Erforschung des Apollonheiligtums von Emecik/Alt-Knidos
Rheidt, Klaus
Port City of Jeddah (Saudi Arabia): Architecture, Building Material Trade and Logistics in the Red Sea Region during the Ottoman Era from 16th-20th Century
Elfath Ahmed, Mohamed
The Development of the City of Assos (Turkey) in Late Antiquity and Byzantine Times
Böhlendorf-Arslan, Beate
Urban development of the city of Assos from its beginnings to Roman times
Rheidt, Klaus
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Fokus Fortifikation: Antike Befestigungen im östlichen Mittelmeerraum
Schneider, Peter Irenäus
Research data and software
Completed projects
OpenInfRA - A Web-based Information System for Documentation and Publication of Archaeological Research Projects.
Rheidt, Klaus
Schmitt, Ingo
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1913: Cultural and Technological Significance of Historic Buildings
Rheidt, Klaus