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Technische Universität München
TUM School of Life Sciences
Professur für Pflanzengenetik
Alte Akademie 8
85354 Freising
This institution in GERiT
85354 Freising
Research Grants
Current projects
Climate-resilient crops with improved phosphorus efficiency through beneficial fungal interactions
Ried, Martina
Schaaf, Gabriel
Wissuwa, Ph.D., Matthias
Yu, Peng
Genetic Basis and Adaptive Trajectory of Host–Microbiome Association in Maize
Yu, Peng
Molecular mechanisms underlying seminal root formation during domestication and improvement of maize
Hochholdinger, Frank
Completed projects
Bestimmung der Regulation der Benzoxazinon-Biosynthese durch Feinkartierung in Maispopulation
Frey, Monika
Biosynthesis, transport and exudation of 1,4-benzoxazin-3-ones as determinants of plant biotic interactions
Erb, Matthias
Fomsgaard, Inge S.
Frey, Monika
Jander, Georg
Ton, Jurriaan
Elucidation of mechanisms required for convergent evolution of secondary metabolite pathways in plants
Frey, Monika
Genotype-dependent regulation of transcriptomic networks during heterosis manifestation in the competence phase of maize pericycle cells
Yu, Peng
Regulation of pantothenate biosynthesis in plants
Genschel, Ulrich
Saccharose-Stärke Umwandlung: 13C-Markierung und quantitative NMR-Analyse des Kohlenstoff- und Stärkemetabolismus in Maiskörnern mit definiertem genetischen Hintergrund
Gierl, Alfons
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Root hair driven rhizosphere microbiome assemblage and functional feedback on host plants
Hochholdinger, Frank
Completed projects
Entwicklung eines Transposon-Systems in Gerste
Gierl, Alfons
Entwicklung eines Transposon-Systems in Gerste
Lütticke, Stephanie
Evolution of tritrophic interaction: Perception and transduction of the signal in the induced indole biosynthesis in Zea mays
Frey, Monika
Metabolic phenotype of heterosis in Zea mays
Gierl, Alfons
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Genetic control and nutrient-dependency of root-microbe interaction in maize
Yu, Peng
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Ecophysiology of transgenic plants expressing an alien defence pathway
(Project Head
Frey, Monika
Genetische Analyse der herbivorinduzierten Indol Biosynthese in Mais
(Project Head
Frey, Monika
Additional Information
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